MIA: Subjects: Africa:



Marxism and Anti-Imperialism in Africa



National Liberation Struggles
Liberation Movements, Political Parties and Other Organisations
The Comintern and Profintern [R.I.L.U.] on Africa
Writings on Africa from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
Writings on Africa in the Communist Party of Great Britain Press
Cuban Support for the African Revolution
Liberation Support Movement (LSM) Publications on Africa
Africa Research Group (ARG) Publications
Works by other writers


Sidney Percival Bunting (1873-1936)

Sidney Percival Bunting Biography and Archive of Works

David Ivon Jones (1883-1924)

David Ivon Jones Biography and Archive of Works

Ahmed Messali Hadj (1898-1974)

Messali Hadj Biography
Archive of Works

Moses Kotane (1905-1978)

Moses Kotane Biography
Archive of Works

Kwame Nkrumah (1909-1972)

Nkrumah Biography
Archive of Works

Govan Mbeki (1910-2001)

Govan Mbeki Biography
Archive of Works

Brian Bunting (1920-2008)

Brian Bunting Biography
Archive of Works

Nimrod Sejake (1920-2004)

no photo Archive of Works

Mehdi Ben Barka (1920-1965)

Mehdi Ben Barka Biography and Archive of Works

Eduardo Mondlane (1920-1969)

Eduardo Mondlane Archive of Works

Henri Alleg (1921-2013)

Henri Alleg Biography and Archive of Works

Baruch Hirson (1921-1999)

Baruch Hirson Biography
Archive of Works

Julius Nyerere (1922-1999)

Julius Nyerere Biography
Archive of Works

Amilcar Cabral (1924-1973)

Amilcar Cabral Biography
Archive of Works

Ruth First (1925-1982)

Ruth First, ca. 1960 Biography
Archive of Works

Frantz Fanon (1925-1961)

Frantz Fanon Biography
Archive of Works

Patrice Lumumba (1925-1961)

Patrice Lumumba Biography
Archive of Works

Joe Slovo (1926-1995)

Joe Slovo Biography
Archive of Works

Samora Machel (1933-1986)

Samora Machel Archive of Works

Neville Alexander (1936-2012)

Neville Alexander Archive of Works

Mengistu Haile Mariam (1937 - )

Mengistu Archive of Works

Walter Rodney (1942-1980)

Walter Rodney Biography
Archive of Works

Chris Hani (1942-1993)

Chris Hani Chris Hani Institute

Thomas Sankara (1949-1987)

Thomas Sankara Archive of Works


See also

George Padmore (1902-1959)

George Padmore Biography
Archive of Works including:
The Voice of Coloured Labour, Speeches to World Trade Union Conference, 1945
Colonial and Coloured Unity, History of the Pan-African Congress, 1947

C.L.R. James (1901-1989)

C L R James Biography
Archive of Works

Henry Winston (1911-1986)

Henry Winston Biography
Strategy for a Black Agenda, 1973
Archive of Works


National Liberation Struggles

Algeria History Archive

Anti-Revisionism in Eritrea Archive

Anti-Revisionism in Ethiopia Archive

Somalia Subject Archive


Liberation Movements, Political Parties and Other Organisations


The Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA)
The Union of the Populations of Angola (UPA)/Revolutionnary Government of Angola in Exile (GRAE)/National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA)
The National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA)


African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC)


Liberation Front of Mozambique (FRELIMO)
National Democratic Union of Mozambique (UDENAMO)
Revolutionary Committee of Mozambique (COREMO)


Southwest Africa People's Organization (SWAPO)


African National Congress (ANC)
International Socialist League (S.A,)
South African Communist Party (SACP)
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU)


Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU)
Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU)



Abyot (Ethiopia) (1976-1985)

Africa in Struggle (1975-1978)

The African Communist (South Africa) (1959-)

Afro-Asian Bulletin (1962, 1967, 1968)

Asian-African [Bandung] Conference Bulletin (1955)

Angola in Arms (1967-1972)

O Cambatente (Mozambique) (1967-1969)

CFM News & Notes (USA) (1970-1976)

Dawn (Angola/South Africa) (1976-1993)

Fighting Talk (South Africa) (1950-1963)

Guerrilheiro (UK) (1970-1973)

Halgan (The Struggle) (Somalia) (1977-1980)

Ikwezi (1975-1982)

The International (South Africa) (1915-1924)

Kwacha–Angola (1969-1972)

Liberation (South Africa) (1953-1959)

Liberation (Eritrea) (1973-1977)

LSM News (1974-1978)

Mozambican Notes (USA) (1983-1986)

Mozambique Revolution (1966-1973)

The Negro Worker (1928-1937)

New Age (South Africa) (1954-1962)

Portuguese and Colonial Bulletin (1961-1972)

Searchlight South Africa (1989-1993)

Sechaba (South Africa) (1967-1990)

Southern Africa (USA) (1967-1983)

Southern Africa Report (Canada) (1985-2000)

The Spark (South Africa) (1935-1939)

The Spark (Ghana) (1963-1966)

Umsebenzi (South Africa) (1985-1993)

The Valliant Hero (Mozambique) (1966-1969)

Voice of Africa (Ghana) (1961-1964)

Zimbabwe Review (Quarterly Edition) (1974-1978)


The Comintern and Profintern [R.I.L.U.] on Africa


Revolutionary Movement in South Africa, by a delegate of the League, Communist International, Vol. 3, Nos. 16-17, April-May 1921
The Crisis in the South African Labor Movement, by David Ivon Jones, International Press Correspondence, 28 February 1922
Northern Africa and Communism, by Paul Vaillant-Couturier, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 2, No. 38, 19 May 1922
Resolution on the Egyptian Socialist Party [Fourth Congress of the Communist International] (1922)
Fourth Comintern Congress Report and Resolution on the Egyptian S.P., International Press Correspondence, Vol. 3, No. 2, 5 January 1923
The Trade Union Movement in Egypt, by Avigdor (Cairo), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 3, No. 12, 1 February 1923
A Letter from South Africa, by Tom Mann, International Press Correspondence, Weekly Edition, Vol. 3, No. 5, 8 February 1923
The Congress of the Egyptian CP, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 3, No. 11, 22 March 1923
Egypt, the Key to the British World Empire, by Ariel, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 3, No. 33, 19 April 1923
Africa's Awakening, by Ivon Jones, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 3, No. 43, 14 June 1923
Obituary: David Ivon Jones International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 35, 19 June 1924
Communist Persecutions in Egypt and Palestine, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 63, 4 September 1924
Egypt and the Sudan, by P. Kitaigorodsky, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 68, 25 September 1924
The Persecution of the Egyptian Communists, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 76, 29 October 1924
To the Central Committee of the Egyptian Communist Party and to the Fighters for Communism Incarcerated in Egyptian Prisons, by the ECCI, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 81, 27 November 1924
The Attack of British Imperialism upon Egypt, by Observer (London), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 82, 4 December 1924
The Egyptian Chamber Against the Brutal Imperialism of England, by Observer (London), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 82, 4 December 1924
The Approaching Storm in Egypt, by Abusyam, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 86, 18 December 1924
Against the British Ultimatum to Egypt, by the Far Eastern Bureau of Comintern, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 86, 18 December 1924
British Imperialism and the National Emancipation Struggle in Egypt, by A.R. (Cairo), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 4, No. 90, 31 December 1924
The New Stage in the Political Developments in Egypt, by A. R. (Cairo), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 5, No. 15, 18 February 1925
The Scramble for Abyssinia, by Max Leitner, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 5, No. 44, 21 May 1925
Further Communist Arrests in Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 5, No. 52, 25 June 1925
Appeal to the Peasants of the East and the Colonies, Adopted at the Second Enlarged Executive of the Peasant International, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 5, No. 53, 2 July 1925
Communists' Hunger Strike in Egypt, by Nefnil Ahmed, Communist International, Vol. 2, No. 9 [new series] (1925)
The Dictatorship of the Bankers in Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 5, No. 73, 8 October 1925
The War in Morocco, by Pierre Semard, Communist International, Vol. 2, No. 12 [new series] (1925)
The Offensive of American Imperialism in Asia and Africa, by F. Raskolnikov (Moscow), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 5, No. 86, 10 December 1925
The Reawakening of the National Liberation Movement in Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 5, No. 87, 17 December 1925
Fourth Congress of the Communist Party of South Africa, by James Shields (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 11, 4 February 1926
Trade Union Developments in South Africa, by James Shields (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 12, 11 February 1926
The Land and the Peasant in South Africa, by James Shields (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 15, 25 February 1926
The Fight Against the Imperialist Feudal Block in Egypt, by Abusiam (Cairo), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 21, 18 March 1926
The Railway Strike in Portuguese East Africa, by James Shields (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 29, 15 April 1926
The Breaking Off of Peace Negotiations with Abd el Krim , by Rousset (Paris), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 42, 20 May 1926
Two Trade Union Congresses in South Africa, by James Shields (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 42, 20 May 1926
Political Developments in South Africa, by James Shields (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 44, 27 May 1926
Egypt: Zaghlul's Election Victory, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 45, 3 June 1926
The Fight for Abyssina and Abyssinia's Protest to the League of Nations, by A.F. Neumann, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 60, 2 September 1926
The Struggle for Liberty and Parliamentarism in Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 74, 11 November 1926
The Egyptian Cotton Crisis, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 6, No. 86, 9 December 1926
Herzog's Legislation to Enslave South African Natives, by James Shields (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 13, 10 February 1927
The Revival of the Labour Movement in Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 19, 11 March 1927
The Changed Policy of Native Leaders in South Africa, by James Shields (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 19, 11 March 1927
The Continuation of the Moroccan-Spanish War, by Jar (Madrid), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 23, 7 April 1927
The Fight against the "Capitulations" in Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 27, 28 April 1927
The Never-Ending Morocco War, by Jar (Madrid), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 29, 12 May 1927
The Changes in the Egyptian Government, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 30, 19 May 1927
British Provocation in Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 35, 16 June 1927
Egypt Submits Again, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 37, 30 June 1927
Trade Unionism and the Organization of the Native Masses in South Africa, by James Shields (Johannesburg),, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 41, 14 July 1927
The Death of Zaghlul Pasha and its Importance for Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 53, 15 September 1927
The Advance of the United States Against the British "Middle East", by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 68, 1 December 1927
Reaction at Work in South African Trade Unionism, by James Shields (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 7, No. 68, 1 December 1927
Egypt on the Eve of a New Crisis, by A....m, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 8, No. 2, 12 January 1928
Great Britain's "Little War" in the Sudan, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 8, No. 7, 9 February 1928
The Anti-Imperialist Struggle in South Africa and the I.C.U., by H. Rathbone, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 8, No. 9, 23 February 1928
Workers and the Trade Union Movement in Egypt, by M. Mastri (1928)
Egypt [from the book The Communist International Between the Fifth and Sixth Congresses, 1924-1928] (1928)
South Africa [from the book The Communist International Between the Fifth and Sixth Congresses, 1924-1928] (1928)
Problems of Negro Workers in the Colonies – U.S.A. Tasks of the R.I.L.U., by George Padmore, The Negro Worker, Vol. 1, No. 2, August-September 1928
The Mozambique Convention. Slave Traffic in 1928, by J.W. Ford, The Negro Worker, Vol. 1, No. 2, August-September 1928
Coloured Labour in South Africa, Part II, by Balabushevitch, The Negro Worker, Vol. 1, No. 2, August-September 1928
The Programme of the Mahmud Dictatorship in Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 8, No. 69, 5 October 1928
Eddie Roux (South Africa), Speech to the Sixth Comintern Congress discussion of revolutionary movements in the colonies International Press Correspondence, Vol. 8, No. 72, 17 October 1928
Sidney Percival Bunting (South Africa), Speech to the Sixth Comintern Congress discussion of revolutionary movements in the colonies International Press Correspondence, Vol. 8, No. 78, 8 November 1928
Ben Said (Algeria), Speech to the Sixth Comintern Congress discussion of revolutionary movements in the colonies International Press Correspondence, Vol. 8, No. 72, 8 November 1928
The South African Question [Resolution adopted by the Executive Committee of the Communist International following the Sixth Comintern congress] (1928)
The Affiliation of the Federation of Non-European Trade Unions of South Africa to the R.I.L.U. , by J.W. Ford, The Negro Worker, Vol. II, No. 1, January-February 1929
Native Workers' T.U. Movement of South Africa, by T. Reed, The Negro Worker, Vol. II, No. 1, January-February 1929
The Negro Revolt in "French" Equatorial Africa , by Barbe, The Negro Worker, Vol. II, No. 1, January-February 1929
Statement of the International Trade Union Committee of Negro Workers of the R.I.L.U. on Fre4nch Slaugthering in Equatorial Africa , by , The Negro Worker, Vol. II, No. 1, January-February 1929
The New War in Morocco, by E.C. (Paris), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 9, No. 32, 5 July 1929
The Government of the British Labour Party and Egypt, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 9, No. 38, 9 August 1929
The Watch on the Suez, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 9, No. 45, 30 August 1929
Call for an International Trade Union Conference of Negro Workers The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 1929
The Negro Question. Report to the IInd World Congress of the League Against Imperialism, by J.W. Ford, The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 4, August 1929
Africans Massacred by British Imperialists, by George Padmore, The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 5, December 1929
The Strike of Negro Workers in Gambia, by J. Reed, The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 5, December 1929


The Egyptian Bourgeoisie in Power, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 10, No. 5, 30 January 1930
The Negro Liberation Movement and the International Conference, by George Padmore (1930)
South Africa: Reformists Betray Strike, by J. Reed, The Negro Worker, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-2, January-February 1930
Bushmen and Bisons, by S. Victor, The Negro Worker, Vol. 3, Nos. 1-2, January-February 1930
Native Railwaymen's Strike in East London, South Africa, The Negro Worker, Vol. 3, Nos. 6, April 15, 1930
Negro Workers Awakening: Greetings to the Forthcoming First International Conference of Negro Workers, by A. Lozovsky The Negro Worker, Vol. 3, Nos. 7, May 1, 1930
Agricultural Workers' Strike in South Africa, by A. Gold The Negro Worker, Vol. 3, Nos. 7, May 1, 1930
The Situation in the Belgian Congo, by Wm. Maesschelch (Brussels). The Negro Worker, Vol. 3, Nos. 7, May 1, 1930
A Report of Proceedings and Decisions of the First International Conference of Negro Workers (1930)
The Toiling Negroes and I.R.A., Resolution on International Red Aid adopted at the First International Conference of Negro Workers [from the book Ten Years of International Red Aid in Resolutions and Documents]
More Oppression for the African Masses. The Riotous Assemblies Act, by Klaas Verschragen, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 10, No. 32, 10 July 1930
The Revolt in Egypt and the Treachery of the Wafd, by J.B. (Jerusalem), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 10, No. 37, 14 August 1930
For the Independence of Egypt!, [an extract from a Manifesto of the League Against Imperialism] International Press Correspondence, Vol. 10, No. 37, 14 August 1930
Resolution of the International Red Aid On Work Among the Negroes [adopted by the Secretariat of the EC, October 16, 1930] [from the book Ten Years of International Red Aid in Resolutions and Documents]
Report to the Fifth Congress of the R.I.L.U. on the Negro Movement in Africa, by George Padmore, The Negro Worker, Special Number, November 1, 1930
American Imperialism Enslaves Liberia, The Communist, February 1931
The Revolutionary Movement in Africa (1931)
May First in South Africa, by Douglas (Johannesburg), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 11, No. 31, 11 June 1931
The Agrarian Crisis in British West Africa, by George Padmore, Communist International, July 15, 1931
The International Conference on African Children, by J.W. Ford (Geneva), International Press Correspondence, Vol. 11, No. 39, 23 July 1931
The Life and Struggles of Negro Toilers, by George Padmore (1931)
Hands Off Liberia!, by George Padmore. The Negro Worker, Vol. 1, Nos. 10-11, October-November 1931
Dingaan's Day in Cape Town, by Molly Wolton, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 12, No. 6, 11 February 1932
How the Imperialists are "Civilizing" Africa, by George Padmore, The Negro Worker, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 1932
Urgent Questions of the Work of the C.P. of South Africa, by Johns, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 12, No. 31, 14 July 1932
Urgent Questions of the Work of the C.P. of South Africa (continued), by Johns, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 12, No. 32, 21 July 1932
Urgent Questions of the Work of the C.P. of South Africa (continued), by Johns, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 12, No. 33, 28 July 1932
Urgent Questions of the Work of the C.P. of South Africa (concluded), by Johns, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 12, No. 34, 4 August 1932
The Sidky Government and the Imperialist Robbery of Egype, by J.B., International Press Correspondence, Vol. 12, No. 55, 8 December 1932
The Situation in the Belgian Congo. Statement by the League Against Imperialism, International Press Correspondence, Vol. 14, No. 4, 26 January 1934
Ethiopia Today by George Padmore, [from Nancy Cunard's Negro: An Anthology] (1934)
Pass Laws in South Africa by George Padmore, [from Nancy Cunard's Negro: An Anthology] (1934)
How Britain Governs the Blacks by George Padmore, [from Nancy Cunard's Negro: An Anthology] (1934)
White Man's Justice in Africa by George Padmore, [from Nancy Cunard's Negro: An Anthology] (1934)
War in Africa. Italian Fascism Prepares to Enslave Ethiopia by James W. Ford and Harry Gannes (1935)
The Struggle Against the Italo-Ethiopian War, by Batista, K.S., Peter Kerrigan, R., and J. Porter, Communist International, December 20, 1935
The Italo-Ethiopian War and the Tasks of the United Front, by M. Ercoli [Palmiro Togliatti], Communist International, December 20, 1935
Hitlerism in South Africa and the Struggle Against It, by A. Woodward, Communist International, [UK Edition] May-June 1937


Problems of the Imperialist War in Africa by L. Taylor, Communist International, No. 11, November 1940
Towards Labour Unity in South Africa, by Michael Harmel (1943)
Voice of South Africa, Statement by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of South Africa (1943)
New Perspectives in Africa, by J. Shields (1944)


Writings on Africa from the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe

African History

An Outline History of Africa, Y. Savelyev, G. Vasilyev
The History of Black Africa, Volume I, Endre Sik
The History of Black Africa, Volume II, Endre Sik
The History of Black Africa, Volume III, Endre Sik
The History of Black Africa, Volume IV, Endre Sik
A History of Africa, 1918-1967, USSR Academy of Sciences, Institute of Africa (1968)
Modern History of the Arab Countries, V. Lutsky
On the History of Social Relations in the West Sudan in the 8th to the 16th Centuries,, L.E. Kubbel [from the book Africa in Soviet Studies, 1968 Annual]
The Ethnic Factor in Modern Africa, R.N. Ismagilova [from the book Races and Peoples. Contemporary Ethnic and Racial Problems] (1974)
Cecil Rhodes and His Times, Apollon Davidson (1984)
Formation of Communist Movements in Egypt, Syria and Lebanon in the 1920s and 1930s, G.G. Kosach [from the book The Revolutionary Process in the East: Past and Present] (1985)
Social Democracy and Southern Africa (1960s-1980s), Vladimir Bushin (1989)

Economics and Politics

African Problems, I. I. Potekhin (1968)
Some Trends of Development of African Economies, L.I. Aleksandrovskaya and L.V. Goncherov [from the book Africa in Soviet Studies, 1968 Annual]
The Non-Capitalist Road of Development in Africa, V.G. Solodovnikov (1969)
Africa’s Economic Problems, L. Alexandrovskya and V. Rybakov
Africa Forging Unity, L. Fyodorov
Africa: Politics, Economy, Ideology, A. Iskanderov (1972)
Economic Planning in the Developing Countries of Africa, S.A. Bessonov (1974)
USSR and countries of Africa, E. A. Tarabrin, Ed. (1977)
Ethnic Problems of Tropical Africa: Can They Be Solved?, R. N. Ismagilova (1978)
Present-Day Problems in Asia and Africa. Theory, Politics, Personalities, Rostislav Ulyanovsky (1978)
Agrarian Reform and Hired Labour in Africa, Y. M. Ivanov (1979)
African Countries’ Foreign Policy (1981)
The Cooperative Movement in Asia and Africa: Problems and Prospects, Vladimir Maslennikov (1990)

Imperialism and Neo-Colonialism

The Neo-Colonialism of the West German Federal Republic (1965)
The Bonn-Pretoria Alliance (1967)
The Mutiny Against Independent Africa, Yu. N. Cherkasov [from the book Africa in Soviet Studies, 1968 Annual]
Hotbed of Racialism and Neo-Colonialism, [on South Africa] L. Teplinsky (1972)
U.S. Neo-Colonialism in Africa, Stewart Smith (1974)
The New Scramble for Africa, E.A. Tarabrin (1974)
Neo-Colonialism and Africa in the 1970s, E.A. Tarabrin, Ed. (1975)
Secret Weapon in Africa, by Oleg Ignatyev (1977)

National Liberation Movements

Africa: National and Social Revolution [the Cairo Seminar] 1967
The Origin of the National Working-Class Movement in Tunisia, 1924-1925, N.A. Ivonov [from the book Africa in Soviet Studies, 1968 Annual]
Lenin is With Us in Our Struggle, Ali Sabri
Africa on the New Road, Pyotr Manchkha
Africa Wins Freedom, M. Braginsky
Comintern and Some Questions of the Communist and National Liberation Movement in the Arab East and Africa [from the book The Comitern and the East: Stragegy and Tactics, by A. Reznikov]
A Short History of the National-Liberation Movement in East Africa, M. Braginsky and Y. Lukonin
National Liberation Movement in West Africa, N. Gavrilov
South Africa: The Explosion Must Come, A.V. Butlitsky [from the book Races and Peoples. Contemporary Ethnic and Racial Problems] (1974)
Embattled Africa, Rostislav Ulyanovsky [from the book National Liberation. Essays on Theory and Practice] (1978)
Fighters for National Liberation, (1984)
Nelson Mandela, Boris Asoyan (1989)

The Congo

Patrice Lumumba (1961)
Patrice Lumumba: Fighter for Africa’s Freedom
Patrice Lumumba: Patriot, Fighter, Humanist, Nikolai Reshetnyak (1990)


Ethiopia on the Road to Non-Capitalist Development, Zoltan Gyenge (1976)
Ethiopia: Population, Resources, Economy, Georgi Galperin (1981)
Ten Years of the Ethiopian Revolution, Georgi Galperin (1986)


Kwame Nkrumah, Yuri Smertin (1987)


Writings on Africa in the Communist Party of Great Britain Press


Communism in South Africa, by David Ivon Jones
Communism in South Africa (continued), by David Ivon Jones, The Communist Review, August 1921
From Kraal to Goldmine, by L.A. Motler, The Communist Review, May 1923
Egyptian Nationalism and the Class Struggle, by G.A. Hutt, Labour Monthly, May 1923
The Nationalist-Labour Pact in South Africa, by V. Danchin, The Communist Review, January 1924
Death of D. Ivon Jones, by Thomas Bell, The Communist Review, July 1924
The Sudan "Scandal", by H.P. Rathbone, Labour Monthly, August 1924
The Sudan Scandal, by T.A. Jackson, The Communist Review, September 1924
The Situation in Egypt, by C.T.J., The Communist Review, April 1925
The New War in Morocco, by Jacques Doriot, Labour Monthly, June 1925
The Riff War of Independence, by Allen Hutt, Labour Monthly, August 1925
Egypt at the Cross Roads, by J. Crossley, Labour Monthly, January 1926
Colour v. Class in South Africa, by M.G. Desai, Labour Monthly, March 1926
Native Progess in South Africa, by J. Shields, Labour Monthly, April 1926
Tunis: Trade Union Movement Labour Monthly, September 1926
South Africa: Trade Unions and the I.F.T.U., Labour Monthly, July 1927
The Old and the New Africa, by Clements Kadalie, Labour Monthly, October 1927
White and Coloured Workers in South Africa, by Eddie Roux, Labour Monthly, October 1927
Capitalism and Trade Unionism in Egypt, by U. Zimring Labour Monthly, November 1927


South Africa: The Dingan's Day Demonstrations, by Eddie Roux, Labour Monthly, February 1930
“Left” Imperialism and the Negro Toilers, by George Padmore (1932)
The Gold Rush in Kenya, by Jomo Kenyatta, Labour Monthly, November 1933
A Threat to Ban the Labour Monthly in South Africa Labour Monthly, November 1934
West Africa and the Sedition Ordinances, by S.R. Wood, Labour Monthly, August 1935
Abyssinia, Fascist War and the Labour Movement, by John A. Mahom, Labour Monthly, October 1935
The Problem of African Independence, by H. Rathbone, Labour Monthly, March 1936
The Problem of African Independence (Concluded), by H. Rathbone, Labour Monthly, April 1936
Fascism in South Africa, by Reginald Bridgeman, Labour Monthly, May 1937


Egypt and the Middle East Crisis, by George Audit, Labour Monthly, September 1946


Nigeria's Bloody Friday, by Barbara Ruhemann, Labour Monthly, January 1950
Fascist South Africa, by Sam Kahn, Labour Monthly, August 1950
Africa in Ferment, by Desmond Buckle, Labour Monthly, January 1953
Africa, Africa!, by Derek Kartun, Labour Monthly, June 1953
The Real Terrorists in Kenya, by Monica Whateley, Labour Monthly, January 1954
A Plan for Peace in Kenya, by D.N. Pritt, Q.C., Labour Monthly, March 1955
Olive Schreiner: A Memoir , by Michael Harmel, Labour Monthly, April 1955
Nkrumah and the Gold Coast, by Idris Cox, Labour Monthly, February 1956
The Suez Question, by "Quaestor", Labour Monthly, September 1956
The Invasion of Egypt, by "Quaestor", Labour Monthly, December 1956
Some problems of the African trade union movement, by Jack Woddis (1958)
North Africa Shakes France, by Desmond Buckle (1958)
Strijdom's 'Triumph', by Solly Sachs (1958)
The Formation of Nations in Africa, by I. Pothekin (1958)
The Right of African Nations to Self-Determination, by B.R. Mann (1959)
The Question of Nationality, by Jenifer M. Warren (1959)
The Choice for the Sudan, by A. Masri (1959)
On African Nations, by B.R. Mann (1959)
The development of nations in South Africa, by Lionel Forman (1959)
Discussion Contribution: The development of nations in South Africa, by J. Adams (1959)
Discussion Contribution: The development of nations in South Africa, by John McGrath (1959)
Lionel Forman responds to Adams and McGrath on the development of nations in South Africa (1959)
The Dance of Freedom, by 'Kenya Resident' (1959)
Against the revision of Lenin's conception of nation, by I. Pothekin (1959)
Democracy and Africa's Liberation, by Idris Cox (1959)
End This Hell in Africa, by Jack Woddis (1959)


Africa in 1960, by R. Page Arnot (1960)
Africa: The Roots of Revolt, by Jack Woddis (1960)
Central Africa Prison-House, by R. Page Arnot (1960)
The Common Struggle of the British and Colonial Peoples, by Kay Beauchamp (1960)
Black and White, by R. Palme Dutt (1960)
Marxism and African Liberation, by N. Numade (1960)
Congo, Cuba and Peace, by R. Palme Dutt (1960)
Stand By Congo, by R. Palme Dutt (1960)
A Belgian View of the Congo, by Pierre Joye (1960)
Vulcans Over the African Volcano, by B.R. Mann (1960)
United Nations in the Congo: A Diary of Events (1960)
Nigeria's Path to Independence, by Idris Cox (1960)
Light on Central Africa, by D. N. Pritt, Q.C. (1961)
Africa: The forces of the African Revolution, by Jack Woddis (1961)
Lessons of the Congo, by Jack Woddis (1961)
Africa: The Lion Awakens, by Jack Woddis (1961)
What Is Happening in the Congo?, by Jack Woddis (1961)
Africa and the Common Market, by P. Tlale (1962)
The United Nations and Southern Rhodesia, by Desmond Buckle (1962)
Pan-Africanism and "African Personality", by Jack Woddis (1962)
Africa: The Way Ahead, by Jack Woddis (1963)
Africa's One Party Systems, by Jack Woddis (1963)
A Correction, by Jack Woddis, Marxism Today, September 1963
Progress and Problems in Ghana, by David Grove (1963)
Algeria: A Year of the Ben Bella Government, by Desmond Buckle (1963)
Reflections on East Africa by Jack Woddis (1964)
Socialist Ideas in Africa [article] by Idris Cox (1964)
The Politics of Torture by Hilda Bernstein (1964)
The Labour Government and Africa, by Jack Woddis (1964)
Congo and Counter-Revolution, by Idris Cox (1965)
How Britain Appeases Apartheid, by Michael Harmel (1965)
South-West Africa, by Hilda Bernstein (1965)
Imperialist Counter-Offensive in Africa, by Jack Woddis (1965)
Afro-Asian Peoples Solidarity Conference, 1965, by Pat Sloan (1965)
Rhodesia – What Next?, by R. Palme Dutt (1965)
Conference of African States, by Jane Bukari (1965)
The Algerian Military Coup: Part I: Castro Speaks (1965)
The Algerian Military Coup: Part II: The Algerian Students and the Coup d'Etat, by B. Rayane (1965)
Rhodesia's 1961 Constitution, by Jack Woddis (1965)
Les Damnes de la Terre, by Jack Woddis (1966)
Socialist Ideas in Africa, [book] by Idris Cox (1966)
Counter-Revolution in Ghana, by Thomas Hodgkin (1966)
New Crisis in Africa, by Idris Cox (1966)
Document of the Month: Declaration of the Committee for Defence of the Revolution in Ghana(1966)
African Capitalism, by Jack Woddis (1966)
New Situation in Kenya, by Idris Cox (1966)
South-West Africa, by Ruth First (1966)
Zimbabwe and the Commonwealth Conference, by George B. Nyandoro (1966)
Suez – Ten Years After, by C. Enisah (1966)
Cairo Seminar, by Michael Harmel (1966)
African Elites – A Study of Ghana , by Joan Bellamy (1967)
Africa's Future – Capitalism or Socialism?, by Idris Cox (1967)
Book Review: The World that Was Ours, by Idris Cox (1968)
Impressions of Biafra, by Margot Parish (1968)
Prospects for Armed Struggle in South Africa, by Joe Slovo (1968)
Documents of Frelimo – The Mozambique Liberation Front (1968)
Military Coups in Africa, by Jack Woddis (1968)
Conference of Conflict. Conflict over Rhodesia reflects growing crisis, by Idris Cox (1969)
Britain's Responsibility and African Action, by Kotsho L. Dube (1969)
Eduardo Mondlane, by M.P. Naicker, Labour Monthly, March 1969
Determined to Resist: Guerrilla Struggle in Guinea-Bissau, by Amilcar Cabral (1969)
The Khartoum Conference – A Landmark, by Dr. Yusuf Dadoo (1969)
Who Will Lead the Struggle for Socialism?, by Jack Woddis (1969)
Ghana Today, by Pat Sloan (1969)
South Africa Freedom Day, by Ruth First (1969)
Women in the Sudan, by Fatma Ahmed Ibrahim (1969)
The Non-Capitalist Road of Development in Africa, V.G. Solodovnikov (1969)
Perspectives of the National Liberation Movements, by Henri Alleg (1969)
Some Problems of Analysis, by Romano Ledda (1969)
Armed Struggle in South Africa, by Joe Matthews (1969)
Pan-African Festival, by Alex La Guma (1969)


Algeria Seven Years After – Socialism or Capitalism?, by Henri Alleg (1970)
Collision Course in Africa, by William J. Pomeroy (1971)
Britain, South Africa and the Commonwealth, by Brian Bunting (1971)
Double Anniversary – African Perspective, by Joe Slovo (1971)
South African Communist Party, 1921-1971: Aspects of Party History, by a member of the Central Committee, CPSA (1971)
Political Power in Africa, [review of Ruth First's The Barrel of a Gun] by Ben Turok (1971)
Southern Africa: The African People Say 'No'!, by Alan Brooks (1972)
South African Congress of Trade Unions, by John Gaetsewe (1972)
Amilcar Cabral, by Antonio de Figueiredo (1973)
Britain and the Liberation Struggle [in Guinea-Bissau], by Basil Davidson (1973)
Rhodesia: Crisis for White Power, by Abdul S. Minty (1973)
South Africa – Trade Union Struggle, by John Gaetsewe (1973)
A Critical Appraisal of the Noncapitalist Path and the National Democratic State in Africa, by Joe Slovo (1974)
Southern Africa, by Brian Bunting (1975)
Frelimo President's Independence Message by Samora Machel (1975)
Rhodesia or Zimbabwe?, by John Sprack (1975)
African Vietnam, by Vladimir Simonov (1976)
Fidel Castro on Cuba and Angola (1976)
Rhodesia: Security Clampdown, by Margaret Ling (1976)
Southern Africa, by John Sprack (1976)
The Zimbabwe Revolution and the Internal Settlement, by John Ngara (1978)


Zimbabwe: The Process of Liberation, by John Ngara (1980)
Egypt (1980)
Political Strategy in the Third World, by Jack Woddis (1980)
Guinea-Bissau Coup(1981)
Namibia, by Peter H. Katjavivi (1982)
South African National Party, by Harold Wolpe (1982)
Apartheid's Deepening Crisis, by Harold Wolpe (1983)
Nigerian Exodus, by Jonny Akinyemi(1983)
Turmoil in Zimbabwe, by David James (1983)
Impasse in Namibia, by Brian Wood (1983)
Nigeria Comes of Age, by Ferdi Dennis (1983)
Conflict in the Southern Sudan, by Brian Armstrong (1984)
South Africa's Dilemma, by Alan Brookes (1984)
Mozambique – Ideals and Reality, by Paul Fauvet (1984)
Redrawing the Front Line: Southern Africa in Transition, by Victoria Brittain (1984)
Britain and Ethiopia, by Victoria Brittain (1984)
Apartheid's Crumbling Bastions, by Jonathan Steele (1985)
Uganda's Torment, by Victoria Brittain, Marxism Today, September 1985
South African Crossroads, by Harold Wolpe (1985)
Close Up on Winnie Mandela, by Ruth Weiss (1986)
Libyan distractions, by Fred Halliday (1986)
Gadafy rules the roost, by George Henderson, Marxism Today, June 1986
The Last Trek?, by Ruth Weiss (1986)
The Apartheid Effect: Britain and South Africa, by Sarah Benton (1986)
Divisions in the Laager, by Roger Omond (1986)
Journey to Pretoria [interview with Joe Slovo] by Jonathan Steele (1986)
South Africa's Hope/Isolating Apartheid/A Symbol of Resistance (1987)
In the Buffer Zone, by Noll Scott (1988)
The Mandela Moment, by Mark Perryman (1988)
Whites Drift Right, by Stanley Uys, Marxism Today, September 1989


South Africa's New Era: Dream Come True [Joe Slovo in conversation with Martin Jacques] (1990)
South Africa's New Era: Flight from Jo'burg by Joseph Hanlon (1990)
Soft Vengeance: Beatrix Campbell talks to Albie Sachs (1991)


Cuban Support for the African Revolution: The Organization of Solidarity of the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America (OSPAAL)


General Declaration of the Executive Secretariat of the OSPAAL, Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 1, n.d.
Political Report of the Executive Secretariat of the OSPAAL , Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 1, n.d.
The Revolutionary Struggle in Guinea (Bissau), Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 2, May 1966
Political Prisoners in South Africa, Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 2, May 1966
Rhodesia: Concentration Camp, Tricontinental Bulletin, Number 2, May 1966
Cover Anti-Imperialist Struggle in the Congo Leopoldville, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year II, Numbers 11-12, February-March 1967
Angola: Seven Years of Consecutive Victories Over Imperialism, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year II, Numbers 11-12, February-March 1967
Apartheid’s Prisons, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 27, June 1968
Problems within the OAU, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 27, June 1968
Panic measures in South Africa, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 27, June 1968
Zimbabwe: Total War, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 28, July 1968
What the MPLA Expects from the OAU, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 28, July 1968
Military Action of the People's Army of Liberation of the Congo (L), Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 28, July 1968
Africa is Resisting and Fighting Back, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 28, July 1968
Interview with Paulo Jorge, From the MPLA, Tricontinental, Number 7, July-August 1968
The Banta Promise, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 29, August 1968
Massacres perpetrated by the racist regime [South Africa], Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 29, August 1968
ZAPU-ANC Joint Communique, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 29, August 1968
Zimbabwe: Guerilla Struggle, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 30, September 1968
Mozambique: A Country on the Road to Liberation, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 30, September 1968
Southwest Africa: The Real Solution is Not in the U.N., Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 30, September 1968
The Cameroon Guerrilla Movement, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 30, September 1968
Committee of Solidarity with the Congo (L), Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 30, September 1968
Zimbabwe: Racists Must Go, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 32, November 1968
African Will Write Its Own History, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 34, January 1969
Guerilla Fronts: Thumbnail Sketch of Chad, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 34, January 1969
Angola: The Armed Struggle Throughout the Territory, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 35, February 1969
Congo (L): Forced to Increase Struggle, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 35, February 1969
South Africa: Out of Work = Out of Home, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 35, February 1969
Zimbabwe: A War That is Spreading, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 35, February 1969
The Supreme Council of the NCL Decides to Move to the Liberated Territories [Congo (L)], Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 35, February 1969
Their Own Struggle: More Effective Solidarity, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 35, February 1969
Algeria: NLF’s Ten Points on Palestine, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 36, March 1969
Guinea (B): Wreaking Havoc on the Colonialist Troops, by Amilcar Cabral, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year III, Number 36, March 1969
Zimbabwe: the Time for Negotiations is Over, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 37, April 1969
Africa: "Neo-colonialism, Military Coups and Liberation", by Jack Woddis Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 37, April 1969
The Comores: The Dehumanization of the African Man, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 37, April 1969
OCAM: Structure and Objectives, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 37, April 1969
Guinea (B): Political and Military Situation, by Amilcar Cabral, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 37, April 1969
Angola: Freedom for Members of the MPLA, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 37, April 1969
St. Thomas and Prince: the people’s resistance to the Portuguese presence , Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 40, July 1969
Africa: imperialist strategy in the South, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 41, August 1969
Cameroon: recent guerilla operations, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 41, August 1969
Niger: neocolonial heart of Africa, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 41, August 1969
Sudan: Force for the Future, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 44, November 1969
The Mercenaries of the Empire [Portuguese colonies in Africa], by Basil Davidson, Tricontinental, Number 11 (1969)
Proclamation of the Algerian NLF, Tricontinental, Number 11 (1969)
Trusts and Revolution in the Congo, Tricontinental, Number 11 (1969)
Colonialism, Culture, and Revolution, by Mario de Andrade, Tricontinental, Number 13 (1969)
Israel: Imperialist Mission in Africa, Tricontinental, Number 15, November-December 1969
Eritrea: Arms Against Oppression, Tricontinental, Number 15, November-December 1969
“Portuguese” Guinea: United Front Against Imperialism, by Luis Cabral, Tricontinental, Number 15, November-December 1969
Libya: A People on the Alert, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 45, December 1969
Congo: murder and intrigue, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 45, December 1969
Eritrea: well-defined objectives, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year IV, Number 45, December 1969


Africa: to expel all traces of exploitation, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year V, Number 46, January 1970
Congo (L): a common history, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year V, Number 47, February 1970
Angola: Ninth Year of Armed Rebellion, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year V, Number 48, March 1970
Congo (L): Complicity of Reactionary Forces, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year V, Number 48, March 1970
Portuguese Colonies: Front of Solidarity Against Reaction, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year V, Number 48, March 1970
The Comoros: Encounter with Their Reality, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year V, Number 49, April 1970
Zimbabwe: Confronting the White Minority, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year V, Number 49, April 1970
Why We Fight, by Moises Machel Samora, Tricontinental, Numbers 18, May-June 1970
Zimbabwe's Struggle Against Rhodesia, Tricontinental, Numbers 18, May-June 1970
Congo (B): The African Example, by Marien N'Gouabi, Tricontinental, Numbers 18, May-June 1970
Algeria-FLN: Like a Locomotive, by Jorge Timmosi, Tricontinental, Numbers 18, May-June 1970
Revolution and Class Struggle in the Congo (B), by Marien N'Gouabi, Tricontinental, Numbers 19, July-October 1970
South Africa: The Other Imperialism, by Peter Hellyer, Tricontinental, Numbers 19, July-October 1970
PAIGC: Optimistic and Fighter, by Amilcar Cabral, Tricontinental, Numbers 19, July-October 1970
Cameroon: To Make the Revolution, by Woungly Massaga, Tricontinental, Numbers 19, July-October 1970
Burundi and Rwanda: The Same Imperialist Strategy, by Nadine Nyangoma, Tricontinental, Numbers 20-21, November 1970-February 1971
Rebellion in Chad, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 58, January 1971
Guinea: People’s Victory, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 59, January [February?] 1971
The FPLN of Portugal and.. Guinea, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 61, April 1971
Cover Guinea: The People Are the Invincible Force, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 61, April 1971
White Racism in Zimbabwe, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 61, April 1971
An International War, by Marcelino dos Santos, Tricontinental, Numbers 23, April-May 1971
immediate Objective: Cabora Bassa, by Peter Kellner, Tricontinental, Numbers 23, April-May 1971
Frolina and the Armed Struggle, Tricontinental, Numbers 23, April-May 1971
The Internal Colony, by Jean-Paul Sartre, Tricontinental, Numbers 23, April-May 1971
Malawi: Neocolonial State, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 64, July 1971
Africa: for total independence, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 64, July 1971
Guinea: People and Technique, by Louis Behanzin, Tricontinental, Numbers 25, July-August 1971
Guinea: Parenthesis, by Sekor Toyo, Tricontinental, Numbers 25, July-August 1971
Ivory Coast: Pilot State for Neocolonialism, by Michele Firk, Tricontinental, Number 2 (North American Edition) (n.d.)
genocide in Angola, Tricontinental, Number 2 (North American Edition) (n.d.)
Apartheid, Imperialist Monster, by Alex La Guma, Tricontinental, Numbers 26, September-October 1971
PAIGC Attacks, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 68, November 1971
The Presence of “Western Civilization”, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 68, November 1971
Nasser, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VI, Number 69, December 1971
Eritrea: The Present and Future of a Yankee Base, by Roberto Correa Wilson, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VII, Number 71, February 1972
Guinea (Bissau): The People against Fascism, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VII, Number 72, March 1972
Angola: Study Beneath the Bombs, by Lara Lucio, Tricontinental, Numbers 29-30, March-June 1972
Education in Free Mozambique, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VII, Number 73, April 1972
Lumumba Lives in His People, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VII, Number 73, April 1972
Zimbabwe: No to the Racists, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VII, Numbers 74-75, May-June 1972
South Africa: 60 years of struggle, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VII, Number 76, July 1972
Nkrumah's Death, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VII, Number 76, July 1972
Fruits of a Struggle, by Amilcar Cabral, Tricontinental, Number 31, July-August 1972
The White Plague, by Edouard Bailby, Tricontinental, Number 31, July-August 1972
New Somalia, by Irma Caceres, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VII, Number 78, September 1972
Realities, by Amilcar Cabral, Tricontinental, Number 33, 1973
The Cowardly Assassination of Amilcar Cabral, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VIII, Number 82, 1973
Tanzania: Socialized Villages, Condition of Development, by Sammy Kents, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VIII, Number 82, 1973
the struggle has taken root, by Amilcar Cabral, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year VIII, Number 84, 1973
Special Issue: The People's Republic of Angola, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year X, 1975
NATO and South Africa, by Abdul S. Minty, Tricontinental, Numbers 49-50, May-August 1976
Uruguay-South Africa: elements in a Fascist relationship, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year XI, Number 101, 1976
South Africa: Why Soweto, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year XI, Number 101, 1976
Angola: An End to the Mercenaries' Myth, by Raul Valdes Vivo, Tricontinental, Numbers 49-50, May-August 1976
Special Issue on Zimbabwe, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year XI, Number 105, 1976
Libya: A Country in Revolution, by Frank Guiral Tricontinental Bulletin, Year XII, Number 106, 1977
World Conference of Solidarity with Southern Africa, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year XII, Number 106, 1977
Southern Africa: The Liberation Movements Speak, Tricontinental Bulletin, Year XII, Number 107, 1977
The "Canoe House" and the Oracle of Aro-Chuku: An Organization for the Slave Trade in Southern Nigeria, by Enrique Sosa, Tricontinental, Number 52, 1977
Report from the CC of Frelimo to the Third Congress, by Samora Machel, Tricontinental, Number 52, 1977
South Africa: the struggle continues, by Oliver Tambo, Mzway Biliso, and Joe Slovo, Tricontinental, Number 56, 1978
Amilcar's Thought and Concepts, by Oscar Oramas, Tricontinental, Number 56, 1978
Apartheid is not just a regional problem, by Alex La Guma, Joseph Dube, Juan Carlos Carullo, Fidel Gutierrez, Tricontinental, Number 64, 1979
People's Republic of the Congo: Assurance of the Future, by Vital Balla, Tricontinental, Number 66, 1979


Notes on the History of the African National Congress of South Africa, by Alex La Guma, Tricontinental, Numbers 67-68, 1980
Notes on the Social Structure of Black Africa, by Armando Entralgo, Tricontinental, Numbers 67-68, 1980
Specifics of the Liberation Struggle in South Africa, by Alex La Guma, Tricontinental, Numbers 69-70, 1980
Benin: Imperialist Aggression Has Made Us Stronger, by Pierre Edon, Tricontinental, Numbers 69-70, 1980
Western Sahara: A War That's Nearing the End, by Manuel Somoza, Tricontinental, Numbers 69-70, 1980
Notes on the Social Structure of Black Africa, Part II, by Armando Entralgo, Tricontinental, Numbers 69-70, 1980


Liberation Support Movement (LSM) Publications on Africa

Cover People's War in Angola by Roy Harvey (1970)
With the Guerrillas in Angola by Don Barnett (1970)
MPLA 1970 1970
General Declaration of the Rome Conference [International Conference in Solidarity with the People of the Portuguese Colonies], 1970
Memorandum of Activities of Medical Assistance Services (SAM) of the MPLA in the Liberated Regions of the Eastern Front – Region III. Interview with Dr. Americo Boavida 1970
Getting Hip to Imperialism: ALCAN, Jamaica and Cabora Bassa (1971)
Angola: Five Centuries of Portuguese Exploitation by Americo Boavida (1972)
Messages to Companions in the Struggle: Speeches by Dr. Agostinho Neto, MPLA President (1972)
Tanzania: Tanganyika African National Union Party Guidelines (1973)
Peasant Types and Revolutionary Potential in Colonial Africa by Don Barnett (1973)
Aspects of the Mozambican Struggle by FRELIMO
The Mozambican Woman in the Revolution (1974)
Guinea- Bissau: Towards Final Victory! Selected Speeches and Documents from PAIGC (1974)
Mozambique: Revolution or Reaction? Two Speeches by Samora Machel, FRELIMO President (1975)
The People in Power: An Account from Angola's Second War of National Liberation by Ole Gjerstad (1976)
Road to Liberation: MPLA Documents on the founding of the People's Republic of Angola (1976)
Zimbabwe: The Final Advance by Joshua Nkomo, Robert Mugabe and Eddison Zvobgo (1978)
Sowing the First Harvest: National Reconstruction in Guinea-Bissau (1978)
Zimbabwe People's Army: The First Published Statement by ZIPA, the New Zimbabwe Liberation Force (1978)

"Life Histories from the Revolution" Pamphlet Series

Angola, MPLA 1: The Making of a Middle Cadre: The Story of Rui de Pinto (1973)
South Africa, ANC 1: From Shantytown to Forest: The Story of Norman Duka ( 1974)
Namibia, SWAPO 1: Breaking Contract: The Story of Vinnia Ndadi (1974)
Zimbabwe, ZAPU 1: The Organizer: The Story of Temba Moyo (1974)
Kenya, Mau-Mau 3: The Urban Guerrilla: The Story of Mohamed Mathu (1974)

Interviews with Liberation Movement Leaders

Angola, MPLA: Interview with Daniel Chipenda, Member MPLA Steering Committee (1970)
Angola, MPLA: Interview with Spartacus Monimambu, Member MPLA Steering Committee (1970)
FRELIMO: Interview with Marcelino dos Santos by Boubaker Adjali (1971)
Interviews in Depth: Mozambique, FRELIMO: Marcelino dos Santos, Vice-President of FRELIMO (1971)
Interviews in Depth: Namibia, SWAPO 1: Andreas Shipanga, Director, SWAPO Information Service (1973)
Interviews in Depth: Angola, MPLA 4: Paulo Jorge, Director of MPLA's Department of Information and Propaganda (1973)
Interviews in Depth: Zimbabwe, ZAPU 1: George Nyandoro, General Secretary of ZAPU (1973)
Interviews in Depth: Zimbabwe, ZAPU 2: George Silundika, ZAPU Publicity and Information Secretary (1974)
Interviews in Depth: South Africa, African National Congress: Alfred Nzo, ANC General Secretary (1974)
Interviews in Depth: Angola, MPLA 3: Seta Likambuila, MPLA Field Commander and middle cadre (1974)


Africa Research Group (ARG) Publications

Africa: A Radical Study Guide
African Studies in America: The Extended Family (1969)
Southern Africa: A Smuggled Account from a Guerrila Fighter (1969)
Cover Armed Struggle in Southern Africa
The Other Side of Nigeria's Civil War (1970)
Polaroid and South Africa (1970)
Southern Africa [This pamphlet was prepared to commemorate the Tenth Anniversary of the massacre at Sharpeville] (1970)
The Struggle in Guinea by Amilcar Cabral
The Class Struggle in Africa by Samir Amin
The Powers Behind Apartheid by G. Fasulo
Building Freedom: Mozamabique's FRELIMO (1971)
David and Goliath Collaborate in Africa
Race to Power: The Struggle for Southern Africa (1971)
Repression in Ethiopia
West Africa and the Atlantic Slave-Trade by Walter Rodney
Socialist Development in Africa


Works by other writers

H.J. and R.E. Simons. Class Struggle & National Liberation, 1969

Colin Leys. Underdevelopment in Kenya, 1975

“Dialego”. Philosophy and Class Struggle, c. 1975

Mahmood Mamdani. Linking the Urban and the Rural, 1996

Issa Shivji. The Struggle for Democracy, 2003

Zwelinzima Vavi. Democracy has by-passed the poor, 2004

Paulo Freire. Pedagogy of the Oppressed

Christopher Saunders. The Making of the South African Past, 1988

Kenan Malik. All cultures are not equal, 2002

Allister Sparks. Rulers selling out the rural poor, 2004

Muammar Gaddafi The Green Book, 1975


For comments, contributions or questions, contact Paul Saba.


Last updated on 1 January 2024, by ZS