MIA: Subjects: The Hungarian Revolution of 1956

The Hungarian Revolution of 1956


Stalin down


The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 (from M.I.A. Glossary of Events)

Chronology of Events 1956-1957 (from Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Hungary by Daniel Norman and Hugo Dewar)

Key figures:
Matyas Rakosi
Imre Nagy
Georg Lukacs (Archive)


Accounts by participants

Balazs Nagy

Hungarian Revolution 1956, 1963
Budapest 1956: The Central Workers' Council, 1964
How the Budapest Central Workers’ Council was set up, 1996


Other contemporary accounts and reactions

Peter Fryer Hungarian Tragedy, 1956

Daniel Norman and Hugo Dewar Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Hungary, 1957


Information Bureau of the Council of Ministers of the Hungarian People's Republic

The Counter-Revolutionary Forces in the October Events in Hungary, Vol. I, 1957
The Counter-Revolutionary Forces in the October Events in Hungary, Vol. II, 1957
The Counter-Revolutionary Forces in the October Events in Hungary, Vol. III, 1957
The Counter-Revolutionary Forces in the October Events in Hungary, Vol. IV, 1957

The Counter-Revolutionary Conspiracy of Imre Nagy and his Accomplices, 1958

Gyula Kállai, The Counter-Revolution in Hungary in the Light of Marxism-Leninism, 1957


Ted Grant Hungary and the Crisis in the Communist Party (Open letter to members of the Communist Party of Great Britain), November 1956

Vince Copeland The Class Character of the Hungarian Uprising, November 1956

Statement by Socialist Workers Party [US] Revolution in Hungary and the Crisis of Stalinism, January 1957


Milovan Djilas The Storm in East Europe, November 19, 1956

Raya Dunayevskaya

Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Hungary, November 13, 1956
Death, Freedom and the Disintegration of Communism, November 27, 1956

Isaac Deutscher

October Revolutions, New Style, November 15, 1956
Act Two of Hungary’s Tragedy, 1958

Shibdas Ghosh

On the Recent Incidents in Hungary, November 15, 1956
Imre Nagy, 1958

Tony Cliff Background to Hungary, 1958


Manifestation 1956


The Militant
Vol. 20 No. 44, October 29, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 45, November 5, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 46, November 12, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 47, November 19, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 48, November 26, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 49, December 3, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 50, December 10, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 51, December 17, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 52, December 24, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 53, December 31, 1956
Vol. 21 No. 01, January 7, 1957
Vol. 21 No. 02, January 14, 1957
Vol. 21 No. 03, January 21, 1957
The rest of 1957 The Militant issues

Labour Action
Vol. 20 No. 44, October 29, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 45, November 5, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 46, November 12, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 47, November 19, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 48, November 26, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 49, December 3, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 50, December 10, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 51, December 17, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 52, December 24, 1956
Vol. 20 No. 53, December 31, 1956
Vol. 21 No. 01, January 7, 1957
Vol. 21 No. 02, January 14, 1957
Vol. 21 No. 03, January 21, 1957
Vol. 21 No. 04, January 28, 1957
The rest of 1957 Labour Action issues

The New International (Fall 1956)
Michael Harrington A Chronicle of Revolution
Max Martin and Julius Jacobson Hungary – the Wave of the Future

International Socialist Review
Revolution in Poland and Hungary, Editorial, Fall 1956
Theodore Edwards Inside Report on Hungary, 1958

Proletarian News
Vol. 25 No. 12, December 1956
Vol. 26 No. 01, January 1957

American Socialist
Vol. 3 No. 12, December 1956
Vol. 4 No. 11, November 1957

Labour Review
Vol. 2 No. 1, January 1957
Vol. 2 No. 2, March–April 1957
Vol. 3 No. 3, May–June 1958


Subsequent analyses

Raya Dunayevskaya Spontaneity of Action and Organization of Thought, 1961

Barry Shepard The Hungarian Revolution of 1956, 1965

Chris Harman

Hungary 1956, 1966
1956 and the Rebirth of Socialism from below, 2006

Gerry Healy Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Hungary, 1966

C.L.R. James The Hungarian Revolution, from The Gathering Forces, 1967

Stan Weir 1956: The Fading Revolution, 1992

Mike Haynes Hungary: Workers’ Councils against Russian Tanks, 2006

Enver Hoxha The “Demons” Escape From Control, from The Khruschevites, 1976

János Berecz, 1956 Counter-Revolution in Hungary - Words and Weapons, 1986


Last updated on 21 September 2024 by ZS