The Resistance (France 1940-45)
Trotskyists under the Occupation
Paris-Vichy, La Vérité, August 31, 1940
As in June ’36: Class Against Class, La Lutte Ouvrière, July, 1941
Terrorism or the Organization of the Masses?, La Vérité, September 15, 1941
At the Camp in Drancy, La Vérité, December 5, 1941
Block the Imperialist Relève, La Lutte de Classes, October 15, 1942
The Second Front and the USSR, La Lutte de Classes, October 22, 1942
The Fascist Labroue Booed, La Vérité, January 15, 1943
Working Women Organize the Fight to Slow Down Production, La Vérité, March 1, 1943
A Hand Extended to the German Worker!, La Vérité, May 20, 1943
If you want peace, Extend a Hand to German and Italian Workers, La Vérité, July 30, 1943
In the face of our propaganda for fraternization. The Gestapo Pursues our Militants, La Vérité, October 15, 1943
Bombardments, La Vérité, October 15, 1943
For Free Meal Breaks, La Vérité, May 26, 1944
Bulletin interne of the Parti Communiste Internationaliste, 1944
How Do You Form a Workers Militia?, La Vérité, August 4, 1944
Hitler is Collapsing, La Vérité, August 11, 1944
Recovery Operations, La Vérité, August, 1945
With the Masses, Against the Stream French Trotskyism in the Second World War, Ian H. Birchall, Revolutionary History, Vol.1, No.4, Winter 1988-89.
Full text of La Vérité, August 1945