Tom O'Lincoln

Sosialisme di Dunia Modern

Socialism in the Modern World

Artikel Pilihan dari Suara Sosialis (1997-1998)

Selected articles from Socialist Voice (1997-1998)

Published: Suara Sosialis 1998
Source: Suara Sosialis website
Transcribed & marked up: Emerson Tung

"Back home, in 1997 I began an Indonesian-language email magazine called Suara Sosialis (Socialist Voice), which became a six-year project to produce Marxist material in that language...
It was the first-ever Marxist website in the Indonesian language.
I could never have done this without help from an Indonesian comrade, Setiabudi, who lived in Melbourne and who cleaned up the texts in the way only a native speaker can do... We also participated in a project putting the first Indonesian-language versions of key documents onto the web, including the Communist Manifesto and Lenin’s April Theses.
Each year, I went off to Indonesia with a new set of material, tightly laid out and laser-printed so that activists there could photocopy the texts as much as possible from the copies I provided. Thinking the Suharto regime might take an undesired interest in me, I used the pseudonym “Julian”. The name stuck, and that Julian guy developed a certain profile around the Indonesian left..."
--The highway is for gamblers: a poltical memoir, Tom O'Lincoln, 2017

Daftar Isi - Contents

1. Dua Jiwa Sosialisme - The Two Souls of Socialism

2. Sifat-Sifat Dasar Sistem Kapitalis - Basic Features of the Capitalist System

3. Apakah Orang Akan Bekerja Tanpa Insentif? - Would People Work Without Incentives?

4. Masalah Gender dan Politik Seksual - Sexual Politics

5. Akar Rasisme Modern - The Roots of Modern Racism

6. Peranan Penting Kelas Buruh - The Role of the Working Class

7. Masalah Kekerasan dalam Revolusi Sosialis - Violence and Revolution

8. Peranan Partai Revolusioner - The Revolutionary Party