Jean Starr Untermeyer

Church Sociable

Published: Liberator, March 18, 1918.
Transcribed: for in January, 2002.

"Isn't it quaint," he turned and said to me,
    "To watch these village people at the fair?"
    But I had seen too often what was there;
I shrugged impatience at his inquiry....
I was a child again, and Mrs. Lee
    And other members of The Ladies'Aid,
    At tables on the lawn, in meek parde,
Were serving cakes and glasses of iced-tea.

I hated this weak pomp of charity,
    This pauper's feast to aid the stricken poor.
     I watched these too-thin ladies seek their door
In sweetly pious insincerity;
    Holding themselves so righteously done,
    Turning their Christian backs on Mrs. Cohn.