Letters of Olive Shreiner

To Edward Carpenter

De Aar,
Sunday morning, 1912

Every year my horror not only of war but of the argument of brute force all round grows stronger and stronger. If ever war and the exercise of force was justified it is in the case of millions of women fighting for freedom. But is it ever justified? are not the evils greater than the good? Cromwell, Washington, all the world's heroes who fought for freedom, were they justified? I see so much to be said on both sides. Now I can only say I am for passive resistance, but I dare not condemn those who are not. Of course there's the narrow question of tactics is it wise–even if right–at any given time to fight? Things as far as the working-classes in England go seem advancing quickly. But the fight for freedom will have to go on through the centuries, because, as soon as one class or party or race becomes dominant, it oppresses the others. Look at our Dutch here! But one day, far away, I guess we shall come to a full bloom.