Edward Bellamy
Edward Bellamy
“For I know not how long, I forgot my surroundings after this, and was again in fancy moving in that vivid dream-world, in that glorious city, with its homes of simple comfort and its gorgeous public palaces. Around me were again faces unmarred by arrogance or servility, by envy or greed, by anxious care or feverish ambition, and stately forms of men and women who had never known fear of a fellow man or depended on his favor, but always, in the words of that sermon which still rang in my ears, had “stood up straight before God.”
Looking Backward From 2000 to 1887, 1887
Looking Backward From 2000 to 1887, 1887
“The New Nation”, January 1891
“News from Nowhere”, February 1891
“The Cooperative Commonwealth”, May 1891
Western Drift toward Radical Socialism, August 1892