Zelda Kahan Justice October, 1908

War Between England and Germany

Source: Zelda Kahan, “War Between England and Germany,” (Letter) Justice, 10 October, 1908, p.10;
Transcribed: by Ted Crawford.

Dear Comrades, –

I should like to ask you just a few plain questions. If the attitude taken up by your front page notes and by Hyndman regarding our relations with Germany is not calculated to stir up hatred towards Germany and a desire to annihilate her at the earliest opportunity, to what in the name of all that is reasonable, can it lead?

Without entering into the merits or demerits of the facts in Hyndman’s indictment, without even referring to the opposite picture drawn by Rothstein, and granting that war is possible, nay, even probable, what matter is it to us which is the aggressive party? Or are we, perhaps, to take the side of the more righteous of the two Governments?

If Germany wants to expand, England is equally determined not to let her do so, and we should be still more determined not to let the people’s blood be shed for the aggrandisement of the governing class of either country.

Let us then by all means start a vigorous anti-war agitation here in England, but is that really synonymous with an agitation directed against Germany?

Or has the English Government suddenly become so innocent and lamb-like that we have no reason or no heart to attack it?

Lastly, can we not well leave the attack against the German Government in the able hands of our German comrades?-

Yours fraternally
Z. K.