International Working Men’s Association
[The Minutes are in Jung’s hand on pp. 157-58 of the Minute Book]
Members present: Shaw, Cohn, Milner, Dupont, Buckley, Mrs. Law, Lucraft, Lessner, Johannard, Jung, Stepney, Limburg, Weston. [Marx’s name is not mentioned among the members present although it is evident from the Minutes that he attended this meeting.]
Citizen Shaw in the chair.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed.
Jung, in the absence of the Secretary, read correspondence from the Liverpool cigar-makers enclosing their annual contribution of 8s. 4d.
A letter from the French polishers informs the Council that they have withdrawn from the Association; 5s. contribution enclosed.
Proposed by Cohn and seconded by Lessner that the money in hand (£4 1s. 7 ½d.) be given to Dupont; adopted.
After the reading of the annual report by Citizen Marx,[346] it was proposed by Mrs. Law and seconded by Citizen Milner that the report be adopted. Carried unanimously.
Proposed by Marx and seconded by Dupont that credentials be given to Jung. Carried.
A paper was read by Weston on co-operation.
Marx read extracts from a letter from Eccarius.[347]
The auditors [Buckley and Copeland] made their report expressing satisfaction with the manner with which the books were kept and have confirmed the correctness of the balance-sheet.
Proposed by Marx and seconded by Lessner that the books be handed over to Dupont.[348] Carried.
The Council adjourned till this night fortnight.
R. Shaw, Chairman
H. Jung, Secretary pro tem.