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Jack Wilson

Packed Convention Sure in Rubber Union

(31 August 1935)

From New Militant, Vol. I No. 36, 31 August 1935, p. 1.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’ Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

AKRON. Ohio, Aug. 26. – The pet dream of William Green, reactionary A.F. of L. president, that the coming rubber workers’ convention to form an international union be a puppet show, with him pulling the strings, came nearer realization this week as prominent tools of his policy were elected among the delegates.

The selection of George Roberts, A.F. of L. organizer, as a delegate from Goodrich local, was of particular importance for it lent strong confirmation to the suspicion he was being groomed as president of the international union by the Green bureaucracy which seeks to continue its strangle hold over the rubber workers.

Although the majority of delegates from Goodrich and Firestone local are preponderantly conservative trade unionists, a goodly portion of workers favoring industrial unionism and local autonomy also were picked as delegates. And these two questions are the key issues of the convention.

The Mohawk and General Locals selected men known widely as holding anti-A.F. of L. bureaucracy sentiments and thus express the feelings of the great majority of file workers.

Another move of the A.F. of L. bureaucrats is the starting of a membership drive after the selection of delegates and before the convention which they will try to utilize to create an impression at the convention that the rubber workers, by joining now, have always approved their policy!

The “red scare” so often used before the voting on delegates has died down temporarily since leading progressives were defeated. Of course, it will be revived at any time during the convention set for Sept. 12 if the rank-and file begins to get out of hand.

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