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Andrew Price

Cardiff South East

Right Manoeuvres

(April 1981)

From Militant, No. 548, 17 April 1981, p. 10.
Transcribed by Iain Dalton.
Marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism On-Line (ETOL).

Around the country the great ‘democrats’ of Labour’s right wing are determined to destroy the spirit of conference decisions on mandatory re-selection.

Predictably, nowhere is this more true than in the now notorious Cardiff South East Labour Party. In their determination to secure a ‘short list of one’, namely James Callaghan, the right-wing dominated General Management Committee (GMC) voted to accept a time-table of just five weeks, including Easter and the local election period.

What is more, delegations have been ruled ‘out of order’ by the Regional Officer of the Labour Party, Hubert Morgan. The most scandalous example is that of the Cardiff branch of the Socialist Education Association (SEA) which has had delegates to the constituency since 1976.

In January, the branch paid the level of affiliation fees which it was asked to pay in writing by Cardiff City Labour Party. After the delegations had been frozen for re-selection, Hubert Morgan disqualified the SEA’s three delegates because the City Party had asked for the wrong affiliation fees.

It will come as no surprise to readers of this paper that these three delegates are Militant supporters! With the backing of Cardiff City Labour Party and the SEA General Secretary, Graham Lane, the Cardiff SEA branch are appealing to Labour’s National Executive about the decision.

Just remember this story when you hear the right wing tell stories about ‘left-wing manoeuvres’.

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Last updated: 26 September 2017