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S.P. Spurns United Front
for GPU Victims in Spain

(August 1938)

From Socialist Appeal, Vol. II No. 35, 27 August 1938, p. 4.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.

On August 1st, the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party addressed a communication to the Socialist Party, the Independent Labor League (Lovestoneites) and to the Anarchist group of Carlo Tresca requesting the establishment of joint action against the frame-up trial of loyal anti-fascists and political opponents of Stalinism being prepared by the Spanish office of the G.P.U. in Barcelona.

The letter pointed out that the planned trial was only a climax to a long series of persecution and repression by Spanish authorities against revolutionary workers and urged that action be taken to prevent a Moscow trial on Spanish soil. Five proposals for united front activity were suggested.

Five Proposals

1. Telegrams of protest to the Spanish government; 2. Setting up of a lawyers’ committee to go to Spain as defense counsel; 3. That the trial be suspended until the accused had full opportunity for free choice of their own counsel; 4. Organization of an International Labor Commission to attend the trial; 5. Letters along these lines to well-known intellectuals and trade unionists.

Replies to this communication signifying their willingness to join in common action have been received from Carlo Tresca and the Lovestoneites. The Socialist Party, however, rejected the proposal. Because of the urgency of action in behalf of the victims of the G.P.U. and because the issue in question reveals the sincerity of all organizations involved, we are reprinting below the text of the correspondence with the National Executive Committee of the S.P.:

S.P. Replies

Dear Comrade:

Your letter of August 1st was presented to the National Action Committee of the Socialist Party at their regular meeting last night.

They asked me to transmit to you their decision in the matter. It was the decision of the National Action Committee not to accept your proposition for united front action on the Spanish trials for the following reasons:

  1. The Socialist Party has been engaged in a consistent campaign in the interest of the working class in Spain. By official protest and statement and by various means they have made known to the Spanish government the position and desire of the Socialist Party, and they expect to continue that independent activity with all the resources at their command.
  2. We believe the political difference in our attitude toward the Spanish government is so basic that the difference could not be reconciled by any kind of united action.
  3. We believe, because of these differences, that such united action would not be of specific aid to those we seek to help at the present moment.


Fraternally yours,
(Signed) Roy E. Burt
Executive Secretary

S.W.P. Writes Again

Attention: Roy E. Burt,

Dear Comrades,

Your rejection of our proposal to create a united front of all working class organizations interested in defeating the Spanish fascists and consequently in the liberation of all anti-fascists now in the jails of Barcelona was indeed a surprise to us, especially in view of your claim that you are actively interested in behalf of the anti- fascist prisoners.

We consider the matter of freeing them of such vital importance to the anti-fascist movement that we deem it necessary to comment on the reasons which you give in your letter for refusing our effort to create a united front.

Reason 1) You state that “The Socialist Party has been engaged in a constant campaign in the interest of the working class in Spain,” and that you “expect to continue with independent activity.”

It is exceedingly difficult to reconcile such a statement with your rejection of our offer. Does it not appear incongruous that because of your interest in the Spanish workers, you should refuse to act jointly with other organizations on behalf of these workers? It seems to us that because of that very interest, you should gladly accept our offer to build a united front on behalf of the Spanish political prisoners, for it is obvious that our joint efforts would be more fruitful than our separate activities.

Reason 2) You state that “We believe the political difference in our attitude toward the Spanish government is so basic that that difference could not be reconciled by any kind of united action.”

Undeniably there are basic differences between us. You believe in supporting the Loyalist government politically, while it is our policy to reject support politically to the Loyalist government – a government which jails revolutionary anti-fascists – confining our efforts to material support. We beg to point out that our proposal for united action does not aim to reconcile any differences, but to help free the revolutionary anti-fascists. Why should basic differences prevent us from acting jointly? The very concept of a united front presupposes basic differences. In the particular instance of helping Spanish political prisoners, we can take these basic differences for granted. We can continue to discuss and debate them without in the least interfering with joint meetings, joint resolutions, and similar joint activities pertaining only to the question of liberating the Spanish political prisoners and thus help defeat fascism in Spain.

We are hopeful that you will consider a change in your attitude, and if you do, we shall be most glad to come to a most definite agreement as to the nature and scope of our joint activities.


Comradely yours,
Albert Goldman
Acting National Secretary

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