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The New International, Spring 1956

L.G. Smith

Notice to Libraries and Collectors
of Bound Volumes


From The New International, Vol. XXII No. 1, Spring 1956, p. 2
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.


During the past several years it had become our custom to print the index to each volume of the New International in the last issue of the volume. We decided, however, to bind the years 1953–54 (Vols. 19 and 20) together in a single binding, and hence prepared a single index covering these two years which was printed separately and bound in the front of the combined volume.

Libraries and individuals who wish to have their own bindings made for these two years will receive this index from us on written request.

In the future we are planning to continue the practice of binding two years (and two volumes) of the quarterly NI together, and of preparing indexes bi-annually for this purpose. They will either be printed up separately, or in the last issue of the series.

The 1953–54 bound volumes are available in unusually sturdy and handsome bindings, and we propose to continue to have them bound this way. The price may seem steep at first glance ($6.00), but in view of the number of issues and the bindings it is actually a bargain.


Readers of the New International may look forward to some exceptionally informative and stimulating articles in forthcoming issues. Among them: H.W. Benson on Union Consciousness and Organization of the American Working Class; A. Giacometti on Social and Economic Conditions in Tropical Africa, and Hal Draper on the Arab-Israeli war, The Beginning of a Tragedy. That is only a sampling.


L.G. Smith
Business Manager

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