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The New International, December 1938


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From New International, Vol.4 No.12, December 1938, p.354.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.


NEW ORDERS and increases in the regular orders, but continued weakness in obtaining new subscriptions and renewals, featured the circulation side of the November number of The New International. The November issue was again completely sold out, with not even a handful remaining over. Due to general increase in circulation, 4,500 copies of the December issue are being published, but it remains to be seen whether this increase of 500 copies on the average previous runs is a permanent or only temporary increase. It can be permanent, and even improved upon quickly. That depends upon.

1. Greater and systematic attention to subscriptionsnew and renewals by agents, branches and YPSL units. 2. Prompt payment of bundle orders, so that party and YPSL agents are not cut off on their bundles – representing both loss of circulation and revenue needlessly. In December and January particularly, hundreds of subscriptions are running out. There is every reason to expect 100% renewals, which means substantial revenue to the magazine. But renewals, like new subscriptions, require the aid of the party and YPSL members. Renewal letters and promotion letters from the business office cannot suffice, as experience with all publications attests, to bring in renewals and new subscriptions. All agents have been furnished with the lists of expired subscriptions. Organize a subscription drive NOW!

NEW ORDERS: Syracuse, N.Y., H.L., agent, 5 copies; Seattle, Wash, (new branch), Charles E. Taylor, agent, a revolutionist of many decades, first order, 20 copies, increased quickly to 30 copies; Denver, Colo, (revival), J.T.M., agent, 3 copies, immediate increase to 5; Kansas City, Mo. (revival), 3 copies; and last, but not least, Flint, Mich, (new branch), Cenora Johnson, Flint auto strike leader, the agent, 8 copies.

Increases in regular orders: Detroit, Mich., E.P., agent, from 35 to 40 – steady improvement in Detroit; Youngstown, Ohio, Hess, agent, from 20 to 30; Cleveland, Ohio, John Depner, new agent, another increase, this time from 35 to 50; Tel-Aviv, Palestine, from 5 to 15; Washington, D.C., from 5 to 10; Boston, Mass., John Quinn, agent, after a slight summer weakness, up to 70 copies from 55, and expecting to increase again soon; Vancouver, also after a slight summer decline, up to 35 again; Toronto, up to 57 regularly now. New York City – disposed of 100 more copies than in previous months, due mainly to covering mass meetings. Other branches, circles and agents throughout the United States and other countries apparently are easily holding their average sales up.

Bundles stopped for non-payment, overdue, of bundles: San Francisco, Calif, agent has done best possible; branch negligence is responsible; Philadelphia, Pa., reinstated, but must stay so. Louisville, Ky., still out. Bundles are stopped only after greatest effort to adjust matters with locals or branches.

Foreign agents, with one or two exceptions, do very well indeed on the matter of payments, but since special rates are given to some of them, foreign circulation represents large circulation, also revenue, but not a margin of profit necessary to maintain The New International. Still, it is a fact that without the foreign circulation and revenue, The New International could not possibly have made the grade till now. But in view of the economic and political conditions prevailing abroad, it should be self-evident that it is up to the American organization to maintain the magazine: again, that means a drive for subscriptions and prompt bundle payments.

The most noticeable improvement in the past month has been in Los Angeles, Calif., where the agent, John Murphy, through systematic, hard work, now has both party and YPSL members functioning much better. Only 125 copies are still ordered, but now every copy is actually sold, and an increase in the bundle order can be expected soon. Murphy writes:

“Newsstand sales have picked up considerably; had to replenish all stands at least once and several twice; we now sell every copy of our bundle order ... Utilizing back numbers for sales and subscriptions.”

In New York the YPSL comrades at City College have begun to work more systematically to sell the magazine. As a result, the Main Evening Circle sold 25 of the October and 31 of the November issue, and the Day Circle sold 20 copies. They have now started working for subscriptions. Milt Miller and Marty Diamond are directing the organization of New International circulation. Good work. But what about Columbia U and NYU? The college and university field in New York is wide and is really untouched as yet ... Comrades at the University of Chicago and the University of California (Berkeley) continue to do a very good job in selling the magazine.

Readers of this column know that The New International is accepted as the authority on revolutionary Marxism throughout the world. Dozens of letters from various countries reach us each month acclaiming the calibre – style and content – of our organ. For instance, J.T.M., from Denver, Colo., writes:

“We in Denver think it is the best magazine on current events that we have encountered. I was always an ardent supporter of the Modern Monthly, as a member of the Socialist Party; but our New International is so far superior ... there is no comparison.”

And says it with a donation and a bundle order. And that is what we are asking you! The magazine is deserving of much greater, and necessary, support through donations, subscriptions, bundle orders. The magazine’s stability and security is still far from certain. More circulation and the development of a sustaining fund is the answer. All the members of the SWP and YPSL have to help build the circulation, instead of leaving the job, as is the case now, to a minority to do the work.

The New International is to be found on more and more newsstands throughout the country, and this is encouraging. A few cities are concentrating on placing the magazine on newsstands and in bookshops. Among them are Seattle, Wash.; Allentown, Pa., Ruth Querio, agent; Worcester, Mass., P.M. agent; Vancouver, B.C.; Toronto, Ont.; New Haven, Conn., M. Gandelman, agent; many cities have succeeded well, as the Where To Buy column shows. This kind of activity should be continuous.

All cities should push the campaign for SUBSCRIPTIONS, new and renewal. December is an excellent month. Renewals are due in abundance, and the holiday spirit can be capitalized for subscriptions. Chicago, with Harry Fishier sending in the most, has been working for subscriptions; in general circulation, Karl Shier continues his excellent work even though handling the YPSL convention arrangements and other work. Minneapolis renewals, C.K. Johnson directing, are beginning to flow in. Allentown and East Oakland hope their efforts will bring in subscriptions. A few renewals have already come in from Greater New York, but the bulk still have to be obtained. Abe Miller, New York literature director, is organizing Red Sundays toward this end.

Is it in order to mention the holding of affairs for the benefit of The New International? We think so. St. Paul, Minn., Jules Geller, agent, is the first to start the ball rolling, and sent in a donation of $10.00 from the proceedings. Party branches, please copy!

Each month finds some changes in agents, but the work goes on. New agents reported are: A.B. Thisthlywayth, Sydney, Australia, who reports the September issue all sold out; E.W., St. Louis, Mo., who placed an extra order for December – total 45.

Lack of space prevents mention of the comrades, adult and youth, who are working actively to build the circulation of The New International. But we know they find satisfaction in the results achieved and which are so roundly attested to everywhere. As Tom Gaddis, Minneapolis, prize sub-getter, says:

The New International is a magazine to be proud of, and it’s opening the eyes of more than one person hereabouts. The so-called cultural front has yet to be extended in our movement in some parts of the country.”

Some readers there and elsewhere have suggested a glossary of terms, such as “Thermidorian reaction”, etc., be printed for greater ease in reading. The editors have taken due note thereof.

“Great”; “splendid”; “best issue yet”; “marvel at high standard”; “constantly improving”; “like the magazine as is”; “the best ammunition against the Stalinist camps”; “want to add my acclaim”; “not a communist, but must get your magazine regularly”; “as a journalist and Marxist, have unqualified admiration for the magazine”. And thus and more from all parts of the United States, Canada, England, Scotland, France, India, Australia, South Africa, Argentina, Panama, Chile, Brazil, China, etc. Good, of course; but, comrades and readers, we want more of you to:


The Manager

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