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Labor Action, 19 December 1949


Al Findley

UN Settles Jerusalem – on Paper

Israel, Jordan to Flout International Vote


From Labor Action, Vol. 13 No. 51, 19 December 1949, p. 1.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.


The question of Jerusalem has been officially “settled” by the United Nations General Assembly. By a large vote, the UN passed a proposal to detach Jerusalem from the Jews and the Arabs and place it under UN rule. Like all other observers, Labor Action too was caught short on this action and predicted that the proposal would not obtain a two-thirds majority. The resolution to create a corpus separatum – to make a separate political entity of Jerusalem – was pushed through by a combination of Arab, Catholic and Stalinist bloc countries, under the leadership of Russia.

While “settled” on paper, there are mighty few people even in the UN who believe this solution will ever be put into effect. Israel, Jordan and the populations of Jerusalem have declared their intention of disregarding the ukase of the UN. There are reports of a movement for a new special meeting of the UN Assembly to repeal this action of the UN. However, the vigor of the forces favoring detachment of Jerusalem from Israel and Jordan shows more strength than did the partition forces two years ago. Only new developments in and around Jerusalem will force a reversal .

As is customary with the UN, this decision, like all others, is not based on principles or on the desires of the peoples involved, but represents vested interests. The internationalization of Jerusalem violates the desires of the population and contradicts their rights of self-determination. An unconfirmed report (JTA) says that Abdullah is asking for recognition of his rule over Arab Palestine and an outlet to the Mediterranean and Haifa or Jaffa. In return he is willing tn give up sections of Jerusalem to Israel.

In one respect this UN action is shot through with more cynicism than usual. On most issues the diplomats try to convince themselves and others that their actions will redound to the benefit of humanity. This is absent "in the question of Jerusalem. In corridor discussions many of the non-Stalinist diplomats who voted for internationalization declared their opposition and lack of belief in its practicality.

Labor Action and the Independent Socialist League opposed the original partition proposal for the internationalization of Jerusalem and the attitude of most Zionists in accepting the proposal was criticized. Having an exaggerated respect for capitalist international “authority” and the hoped-for friendship of the big powers, the Zionists, including the Labor Zionists, did nothing. They now reap the fruits of a false belief in the UN and in their imperialist “friends.” An exception must be made of Premier Ben-Gurion, who, while sharing the illusion of relying on “friendly” great powers, proposed formal annexation of Jerusalem, only to be voted down by his cabinet and by his own party (Mapai – Palestinian labor party).

Stalinist Contradictions

The Mapam (left-wing but pro-Stalinist) feels itself betrayed by the Stalinists and embarrassed by the position of the U.S. Only last week Tobenkin had proclaimed that NOW “Zionism was a RECOGNIZED ally of (Russian) socialism.” What effect this will have on Mapam policy is difficult to determine. It will probably strengthen the non-Stalinist elements. The Stalinists in the Mapam, however, are taking it in their stride and continue slavish support of Stalin on all questions except Zionism. Even in the field where they themselves differ from orthodox Stalinism – the national question – they support Stalin and oppose the demands of Tito for national independence.

The internationalization of Jerusalem will undoubtedly strengthen the semi-fascist elements in Israel. The Heruth party of Beigun only last week introduced a motion for annexation of Jerusalem. The Israeli parliament unanimously (except for the Heruth deputies) voted to table the issue. The internationalization of Jerusalem will not serve as a limited arena for Arab-Jewish cooperation, but on the contrary will arouse the most violently antagonistic and chauvinist elements.

The only other gainers from the situation will be those who profit from unsettled political conditions in the Near East. AT PRESENT, this applies especially to Russia, which may still retain hopes that the carrying out of the provisions of the original partition resolution will result in a weak independent Arab state in Western Palestine under the domination of the Arab Stalinists and their allies.

There may be one positive result from the UN decision. It may hasten formal conclusion between Israel and Jordan. One report says that Britain is urging a quick peace on Jordan and Israel and advising Adbullah to accept the current boundaries of Israel. An unconfirmed report (JTA) says that Abdullah is asking for recognition of his rule over Arab Palestine and an outlet to the Mediterranean at Haifa or Jaffa. In return he is willing to give up sections of Jerusalem to Israel. Should this happen, it will nullify the obstructionist moves of the Stalin-Vatican-Arab bloc on the Jerusalem question and will open the road to formal peace in the Near East. Real peace will, however, depend on a rapprochement between the Arab and Jewish people, going much further than mere diplomatic treaties.

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