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International Socialist Review, January-February 1967


Introducing the Bi-monthly ISR


From International Socialist Review, Vol.28 No.1, January-February 1967, p.3.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.


With this issue we are introducing the new International Socialist Review. New in format and new in the sense of increased frequency of publication. The change from a quarterly to a bi-monthly is but one step toward our goal o£ resuming once again regular monthly publication.

In the 32 years since beginning publication, first as the New International, then as Fourth International, later as International Socialist Review, we have weathered many storms. But we can be proud to record that never once have we been driven off our course of serving as authentic spokesmen of orthodox Marxism.

Now, with an ever growing interest in the great liberating ideas of authentic Marxism as advanced by its most prominent advocates, Marx, Engeles, Lenin and Trotsky, the need for an accelerated schedule of publication for our Marxist theoretical magazine becomes acute.

How soon we can proceed to the next step of beginning monthly publication depends in large measure on our readers and supporters. The initial response has been encouraging. From far off Bombay a letter hailing the announcement of our bi-monthly assures us: “As the ISR is going to be converted into a bi-monthly we should be able to sell more copies in India.”

From a new subscriber in this country who apparently has more than just a nodding acquaintance with the problem of publishing a Marxist magazine:

“The Review (ISR) is a very professional looking publication and my guess is that it must be a losing proposition in the financial column. Have you thought of having subscribers make up the annual deficit (if there is one) each year?”

It is a good guess and even better suggestion. Yes, the ISR does have a yearly deficit and it will be larger now than ever. The future of our magazine rests in the hands of our readers and supporters. We are gambling that our increased deficit will be more than offset by the response of our supporters and thus serve to hasten the day of our next leap forward.

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