ISL Mimeographia Vols 1 - 10 Except as noted, page numbers are the page numbering imposed on these documents by the ISL Mimeographia, NOT the actual page numbers of the documents themselves. Sec. A: DISCUSSION BULLETINS (IN SERIES) VOLUME 1 INTERNAL BULLETIN, WORKERS PARTY A1 v1n01 1940: Apr. 26 (No. 1) A2 Resolution on the Aims, the Tasks and the Structure of the Party A7 Program of Action of the Workers Party A11 v1n02 1940: May 28 (No.2) A12 Letter of Mexican Comrades to Comrade Lebrun A14 Reply of Comrade Lebrun to Mexican Comrades A17 Letter of Members of the International Executive Committee A22 Letter by I.E.C. Members [May 15, 1940] A23 Letter by the Political Comrndttee of the Workers Party 1 v1n03 1940: Aug.29 (No. 3) 2 The Program of Action (Adopted at the Plenary Sessions of the Workers Party, August 10th and 11th, 1940) 8 Resolution on Party Policy in the 1940 Elections (Adopted at the Plentary Sessions...) 11 v1n04 1940: Sept. 28 (No. 4) 12 The War and the Tasks of the Workers Party (Resolution...National Party Plenum, August 10th and 11th, 1940) 21 Correspondence between Los Angeles and the National Committee on the Anti-Conscription Activities of That Branch 31 Letter of the National Committee to the Akron Comrades in regard to their anti-conscription activity 34 v1n05 1940: Nov. 12 (No. 5) 35 "Fraternity": A Note on the Intellectual Atmosphere in the Party. (Dwight Nacdonald) 41 Letter from Comrade Johnson 42 Statement of the Political Committee (on Comrade Macdonald's letter) BULLETIN, WORKERS PARTY 46 v1n06 1941: Jan. (No. 6) 47 Militarism and the Tasks of the Party (M. Alvin) 52 On Shachtman's Answer to the Position of the S.W.P. on Conscription, War and Militarism (M. Alvin) 56 Comrade Alvin on Two Fronts (Paul Temple) 70 On the Slogan "Conscript War Industry" (Max Shachtman) 73 A Protest from the St. Louis Comrades 75 On "Tolerance" for Marxism (Jack Wilson) 76 X v1n07 1941: March (No. 7) NOT in Mimeography or Draper Listing [supplied by PRL from xerox of Hoover Library copy] [page numbers here are actual real numbers in Bulletin No. 7] 1 Approach to Negro Contact Work (Henry Pelham) 2 A Letter on the Russian Question (Max Shachtman) 7 Stalinist Russia is a Fascist State (J.R. Johnson) 38 The USSR is a Capitalist Society (Freddie James) 43 Workers Deomcracy & Party Discipline - some comments on recent events 47 Again on the question of Party responsiblity and manner of discussion 48 Letter to a comrade on manner of discussion (Max Shachtman) 51 Some notes by comrade Johnson 51A A Statement (Dwight McDonald) 51B In reply to Comrade McDonald) 53 Organizers Report (Local Chicago) 77 v1n08 1941: April (No. 8) 78 Report on The Work of the March Plenum (Harry Allen) 86 Program of Action for the Workers Party. Plenum March 22nd-23rd, 1941 91 Excerpts from Report of the National Finance Department, presented to the Workers Party Plenum, March 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 1941 95 Report of American Committee for the Fourth International 97 Statement of Sherman Group. Defining a Tendency: A Draft Statement 107 Statement of Political Committee on Sherman Group. Bolshevism and Democracy: on the Capitulation of the Sherman Group 115 v1n09 1941: May (No. 9) 116 Akron. (Editor's Vote) 117 Plenum Decision on Mron Situation (Harry Allen) 125 Reply of Debs Branch [Akron] 126 Political Committee Decision on Akron Situation (Harry Allen) 129 Letter of Dwight Macdonald to the Plenum 142 Statement of the Political Committee, on behalf of the Plenum, in reply to Dwight Macdonald 153 v1n10 1941: August (No. 10) 154 Notions on Policy of the Political Committee on the Russian-German War 155 The Soviet Union and Its Defense (M. Alvin) 160 The Basis for Defensism in Russia (Ernest Lund) 171 Party Policy Towards Russia in the War. (Excerpts from a Letter to a West Coast Comrade.) (M. Shachtman) 181 v1n11 1941: September (No. 11) 182 Supplementary Resolution to the Political Resolution. (Political Committee) 183 Amendments. (Carter.) 184 Stalinist Russia: A Bureaucratic Collectivist Society (Joe Carter) 192 For an Educated Membership BULLETIN 195 v1nx 1943: April 196 Statement of the Secretariat on the Johnson Article 197 Introductory Letter (J. R. Johnson) 198 Production for the Sake of Production. A reply to Carter (J. R. Johnson) 210 v1ny 1943: April 12 210 To All Branches. (Albert Gates) 211 A Program for the Independent Labor Party (Susan Green) 217 For a Revolutionary War Against Fascism (Tony Stein) BULLETIN ON THE NATIONAL QUESTION 229 v1nz [c. 1943: Summer] 230 Letter to Gates (Harry Allen) 249 Issues on the National Question. A Reply to Harry Allen (Albert Gates) 267 How Not to Hold a Fruitful Discussion (M.S.) 277 The Concrete Tasks of the National Movements in Europe (Joe Leonard) VOLUME 2 BULLETIN 281 1943: September 282 Some Notes on the Workers Party Resolution, "The National Question in Europe" (O'Connor) 297 Preview of a Revolution (Roy Gould) 303 The Struggle for National Liberation: Bourgeois-Democratic or Proletarian Socialist (George Tobin) 313 "Getting Back to the Point" INTERNAL BULLETIN 315 1943: October 316 Johnson's Mystification of Marxism; or A Case of Unproductive Self-Expansion (Joseph Carter) BULLETIN 341 1943: October 16 ... THE NATIONAL QUESTION. 342 Amendments to Part I of the Resolution of the National Committee 343 The European Socialist Revolution and the National Question. Substitute for Part II of the Resolution of the National Committee (J.R.Johnson, H. Allen, T. Brown) 379 1943: November 380 Resolution on The Political Situation and the Tasks of the Party. Adopted by the National Committee of the Party for the Third National Convention 403 1943: November 404 Report on the New York Organization (R. Craine) 414 Letter (Norman Sanders) 415 Letter (Harry Allen) 421 1943: November 422 A Mirror for Johnson (Paul Temple) 430 1943: November 431 Supplement to the Resolution on the National and Colonial Question (N.C. Plenum) 436 1943: December 437 The Problem of the Labor Party. (Paul Temple) 456 A Labor Party and a Labor Government (Barry Allen) 463 The Labor Party Program and the Marxist Program (J. R. Johnson) 466 1943: December 467 The Art of .Muddling (Paul Temple) 480 Why I Changed My' Vote (Harry Allen) 488 The Proletariat Inside Germany (Ria Stone) 497 Foresight Is Better Than Hindsight (Susan Green) 499 Against Centrism in Our Party (Arthur Stein) 500 On Trade Union Policy (Joe Leonard) 504 A Workers' Class in New York (Louise Brown) 507 Note (Arthur Stein) 508 1943: December 509 "National Liberation" - A New Trap (Scopa). 509 520 The Socialist Revolution in Europe - Its Relation to the National Question (Scopa, O'Connor, Van, Reilly) 532 Johnson on the Flying Trapeze (Lund) 535-G On Democratic Slogans (Gates) 537 On Quoting Trotsky Forest) 540 1944: January 541 Resolution on Negro Question (J. R. Johnson) 559 Supplement to Political Resolution on Trade Union Activity (David Coolidge) 566 Resolution on Political Activity Among Negroes (David Coolidge) 583 1944: January 584 The Labor Party, Old and New (J. R. Johnson) 596 The Labor Party - A Resolution (Paul Temple) VOLUME 3 602 1944: January 603 Amendments to NC Resolution on National Question (R. Ferguson) 604 Addendum to Minority Resolution on National Question (The Minority) 605 On Class Consciousness (Reva Craine) 610 Lenin's Attitude Toward Democracy in the Imperialist Epoch (Ernest Lund) 624 "Workers Power" - How Super-Radicalism Whitewashes de Gaulle (Ben Hall) 634 The Unprincipled Politics of Temple (Johnson) 642 Reply to Johnson (Temple) 643 1944: January 644 Resolution of the San Francisco Branch on the National Question. The Socialist United States of Europe vs. The Capitalist Slogan "National Liberation" and "Democracy" 689 1944: February 690 A Resolution On the Negro Question (Irving Berg) 693 1944: March 694 How and Why History Is Re-written (J.R. Johnson) 696 A Johnson Legend (Albert Gates) 703 1944: May 703 Popularizing Socialism on the American Scene (E. Lund) 712 On the Character of Labor Action (G. Tobin) 719 Discussion Article on the Negro Question (J. Leonard) 726 [l944: c. Summer] 726 Ups and Downs of the Party Line on the A.L.P. (Paul Temple) INTERNAL BULLETIN 746 [1945: c. April] 747 Discussion between the Philadelphia Branch and the Editors of Labor Action 755 [1945: c. May] 755 Letter from a comrade in Europe. No title. begins: "The following information..." 759 1945: July 759 Building the Bolshevik Party (J. R. Johnson) 765 Again: The Theory of Uneven Development (Arthur Stein) PARTY BULLETIN 767 1945: October 18 Workers Party - Socialist Workers Party Unity Negotiations 768 Letter to All Workers Party Members (Max Shachtman) 772 Letter to the Workers Party (James P. Cannon, S.W.P.) 776 Resolution on the Unity Proposal of the Workers Party (Minority of Political Committee, S.W.P.) 778 Statement of Plenum Minority [S.W.P.] on the Cannon-Stein-Frank Resolution (Bennet, Goldman, Morrow, Williams) 783 1945: October 29 784 Trade Union Seniority and Negro Employment (Political Committee) 786 Editorial Note (M.S.) 788 Questions to Italian Comrades and Their Answers BULLETIN OF THE WORKERS PARTY 792 1945: October 30 (1: 1) 793 Letter to James P. Cannon, Natl. Secy. S.W.P. (Max Shachtman) 797 1945: December (1: 2) [Title: Party Bulletin] Unity Negotiations 798 Letter from S.W.P. Minority 799 Reply by Comrade Shachtman 801 Report from San Pedro Branch (Rickie) 803 Letter on "Questions and Answers" (Scopa) 805 Letter from San Francisco on G.L. K. Smith (Larry O'Connor) 809 [1946]: January S (1: 3) (Error. marked 1945] 810 International Relief (David Coolidge) 811 Situation in China 813 Letter from Louisville Branch 813 Political Committee Reply to Louisville Branch 818 1946: February 14 (I: 4) 819 A Brief Report on the French, Belgian and German Sections of the Fourth International (James M. .Fenwick) 827 Communication to Local New York (David Coolidge) 830 Education for Our Returning Veterans (Arthur Stein) 833 The Party Cadre and Unity (Scopa & David Corbin) 844 1946: February 28 (1: 5) (Convention Bulletin #1) 845 Resolution on the United States (National Committee) 858 Resolution on the American Question (James R. Johnson) VOLUME 4 886 1946: March 8 (1: 6) 887 Balance Sheet of the Negotiations for Unity between the Workers Party and the Socialist Workers Party (Max Shachtman) 904 Resolution of European Secretariat 905 Reply of SWP Minority to Resolution of European Secretariat 910 Statement of Political Committee of WP on European Secretariat Resolution 916 Letter from Shachtman to Albert Goldman (Nov. 3, 1945) 922 Letter from M. Shachtman to Albert Goldman (Jan. 10, 1946) 927 Letter of SWP Minority to Majority 929 Resolution on Internal Situation (Answer of SWP Political Committee Majority to Minority Letter) 931 Resignation of Jcffries-Lyons from SWP Minority and Reply of A. Goldman 935 March 15 (1: 7) (Convention Bulletin #2) 936 Resolution on the Party (National Committee) 963 The Party Dues System (David Corbin) 965 Confusion or Clarity (Victor Burns) 967 1946: March 22 (1: 8) 968 Statement on the Slogan of the "Socialist Party—Communist Party—C.G.T. Government in France" (National Committee) 972 On the Slogan for an SP-CP-CGT Government (Draper, Ferguson, Garrett, Gates, Howe, Victor) 976 Strategy in the Pending Rubber Strike (George Whitney) 979 Education and the Tasks of the Party (O. Orozco & Thea Madera) 981 The Situation in China (J. Brad) 985 Use of School Buildings by Fascists (R. Saunders) 990 Reply of D. Coolidge to R. Saunders 993 1946: March 28 (1: 9) (Convention Bulletin #3) 994 Amendments to the Resolution on the Party (Ernest Erber) 1004 Political Committee Action on Amendments to the Resolution on the Party Submitted by E. Erber 1007 The Task of Building the American Bolshevik Party (J. R. Johnson) 1021 On Comrade Johnson's American Resolution—or Soviets in the Sky (Irving Howe) 1029 1946: April 19 (1: 10) (Convention Bulletin #4) 1030 Some Comments on the Resolution on the U.S. by the National Committee (Fred Norman) 1038 Political Party or Trade Union Party (Joe Leonard & Chet Marco) 1055 Amendments to the Organizational Proposals (Roy Gould) 1059 Reconversion Program of the Workers Party ( Resolution on American Question) (J. R. Johnson) 1064 The Program of the Minority (J. R. Johnson & al.) 1069 1946: April 27 (1: 11) (Convention Bulletin #5) 1070 Resolution on the International Situation (National Committee) 1099 Resolution on the International Situation, the Fourth International and the World Socialist Revolution (J. R. Johnson) 1126 1946: April 30 (1: 12) (Convention Bulletin #6) 1127 [Editorial Note) 1128 Historical Material re: Labor Party Question. Edited by Hal Draper 1156 Substitute Resolution on the Labor Party Question. Labor-Partyism and the Revolutionary Party (Hal Draper & Anne Russell) VOLUME 5 1164 1946: May 8 (1: 13) (Convention Bulletin #7) 1165 Answers to Questions on the Cadre (Ernest Erber) 1172 The C.P., Capitalism and Bureaucratic Collectivism.(Arthur Stein) 1175 What Are "Factory Committees"? (Ernest Erber) 1180 Discussion of the American and Negro Questions (Jones) 1183 Amendment to National Committee Resolution on the U.S. (Scopa, O'Connor, et. al.) 1189 Amendments to the Johnson Resolution on the Negro Question (Saul Berg) 1191 Resolution on the Party (S. Ogden et al.) 1196 On the Dues System (Detroit Branch) 1197 The Politics of Razzle-Dazzle (h. Judd) 1201 Towards a Real Discussion on Building the Party (Bea Grey) 1207 1946: May 15 (1: 14) (Convention Bulletin #8) 1208 For Unconditional Opposition to Stalinism! Against the Slogan of an "SP-CP-CGT Government"! (Joseph Carter) 1215 What Is Meant by a "Small Edition of a Mass Party" (Ernest Erber) 1222 Questions on the Cadre (Jesse) 1226 Answers to Questions on the Cadre (Max Shachtman) 1232 Pre-Revolution and Fantasy (Abe Victor) 1241 A Reply to Comrade Jones (John Barnes) 1246 Two Errors—One of Commission and One of Omission (Susan Green) 1249 1946: May 20 (1: 15) (Convention Bulletin #9) 1250 Resolution on the Party (Joe Leonard s Chet Marco) 1253 Statement of Policy on Veterans Work (Sub-committee of Political Committee) 1277 Resolution on the Jewish Question and the Marxist Program for Palestine (E. Erber) 1282 Addendum to JoJmson Resolution on the United States (J. R. Johnson) 1283 On Sub Drives (M. Slater) 1283 1946: May 24 (1: 16) (Convention Bulletin #10) 1287 Trade union Resolution (David Coolidge) 1303 From Shachtman to Leonard through Lund (Ria Stone) 1307 The Workers Farty, the Transitional Program and the Soviet Socialist Revolution (Larry O'Connor) 1312 Statement of the Johnson Minority on the Origin, Character and Perspectives of the Johnson Faction 1220 1946: May 24 (1: 17) (Convention Bulletin #11) 1321 The Crisis of Socialism and How to Crsercome It (AK of the IKD) 1364 Appendix: Theses on the Construction of the Fourth International) 1374 1946: August 7 (1: 18) 1375 Notes on the Jewish Question (Eugene Vaughn) 1380 Marxism and the Negro Problem (F. Forest) 1390 On Stalinism (Ben Hall & Jack Wilson) 1393 Resolution of the Workers International League on the Workers Party and Socialist Workers Party Unity Negotiations 1395 1946: September 25 (1: 19) 1396 Resolution on the Jewish Question (Ed Findley, Al Findley) 1408 The Jewish Question and Palestine (J. R.) 1411 Two Slogans: Wage Increases Without Price Increases and the Sliding Scale of Wages. (George Whitney) 1416 A Source Book of Politics: A Review of a Review (A. Parks) 1421 1946: October 23 (1: 20) 1422 In Defence of "Revisionism" (R. Armstrong, M. Merrigan—Ireland) 1434 Report on French Party Convention (Richard) 1439 Internal History of the Greek Movement (Richard) VOLUME 6 1440 1946: December IS (1: [21]) [Error. marked 1: 22] 1441 The Drive Against the Stalinists (Ken Hillyer) 1443 The War and the Veteran (Ike Blake) 1453 On the Letter of the I.K.D. to the Convention of the Workers Party. Notes for a Restatement of Our Position (National Committee) 1462 1947: February (2: 1) 1463 Comments on a Section of Freddie Forest's Capital Outline (Albert Gates) 1469 Answer to Robert Stiller's Article in August N.I. (Irving Berg) 1471 The Social Crisis in the U.S. and the General Strike. A criticism of party policy in the coal crisis. (J. Johnson) 1486 The Fourth International and the European Social Democracy (Political Committee) 1490 Sailing with Jim Crow (C. Marco) 1495 In Reply to Comrade Marco (J. Roan) 1496 Also in Reply to Comrade Marco (E. R. McKinney) 1500 1947: March 27 (2: 2) 1501 Introduction 1503 The Class Concept Substituted for Politics (Leonard & Marco) 1517 The Inevitability of Socialism and the Laws of Motion of Capitalist Society (Freddie Forest) 1524 An Understandable Dilemma (E. Garrett & Max Shachtman) 1526 The Palestine Question—Phrases and Solutions. (L. Shields) 1534 1947: April 21 (2: 3) 1535 Letter from Johnson and Forest to Cannon, March 28, 1947 1542 Excerpt from Minutes of PC Meeting Held April 3, 1947 1544 Letter from Goldman to Shachtman re: Above Letter and Excerpt, dated April 8, 1947 1546 "The Wrong Road (Max Shachtman) 1555 the General Strike and American Labor Today (Ernest Erber) 1563 A Question to Comrade Forest (Irving Howe) 1565 Amendment to Document: The Fourth International and the European Social Democracy (Saul Berg) 1567 On Guard (Munis & Peralta) 1571 1947 May 27 (2: 4) 1572 A Letter to the Membership (J. R. Johnson - F. Forest) 1580 Speech of F. Forest, New York Membership Meeting, 3/2/47 1580 Report of Meeting with Stein by Johnson to PC, 1/24/47 1586 The Two Lines of Unity (Max Shachtman) 1592 Exchange of Correspondence between WP and SWP 1594 Speeches on Unity Question by Two SWP Leaders 1601 There Was No Real Ground for Misunderstanding 1607 1947: June 18 (2: 5) 1608 A Case of Mistaken Dilemma (Martin Harvey) 1613 A Scientific Discussion with Comrade Forest (Albert Gates) 1616 A Note from Comrade Avel Victor 1617 In Answer to Shields (W. Gorman) 1620 Jewish Question Discussion: letter to PC (Ed and Al Findley) 1621 Draft of Haply Presented to PC (Albert Gates) 1625 Should Free Immigration Be the Main Demand for the DP's? (Miriam Evans) 1630 The Nature of the Stalinist Parties. Afterthoughts on a Branch Discussion. (Al Findley) 1633 An Answer to Comrade Howe (Charles Morgan) 1637 1947: August (2: 6) 1638 Open Letter to the International Communist Party, French Section of the Fourth International (Natalia Sedov-Trotsky, Peret, Munis) 1648 Declaration by the Cuban Party 1650 Postscript to the "Open Letter" 1650 Statement of the National Committee of the Workers Party 1654 Note (to Appeal of SWP Minority) 1655 Appeal by the Minority (SWP) to All Sections of the Movement 1672 1947: September 12 (2: 7) 1673 A Panacea Rears Its Ugly Head (Bea Grey) 1676 The Joint WP-SWP Leaflet at the Greek Picket Line. How the SWP Gives Left Support to Stalinism. (Ernest Erber) 1681 A Note on Content with a Letter on Tone (Irving Howe) 1685 Caution and What It Means (Ben Lawton) 1687 Approach (Ben Lawton) Correspondence Between Workers Party and CIC: 1690 From WP to Secretariat (5/26/47) 1693 From Secretariat to WP (6/21/47) 1697 From WP to CIC (8/30/47) 1708 Resolution Adopted by Mexican Section on the Method of Representation (July 19, 1947) 1709 1947: September 19 (2: [8]) [Error. marked 2: 7] 1710 Statement on Unity with the Socialist Workers Party and the Extraordinary Party Convention (Draft submitted by the Political Committee) 1716 The Fourth International in Danger (Natalia Sedova-Trotsky, G. Munis, B. Peret) VOLUME 7 1726 1947: September 25 (2: 9) 1727 Tasks of the Party in the Present Situation (Draft by the Political Committee) 1740 Do What I Say and Not What I Do (G. Munis s Benjamin Peret) 1743 1948: March 5 (3: 1) 1744 Johnsonism in the Coal Fields (Gerald McDermott) 1748 A Question on Reuther, the Social Democrat (George Leo Gordon) 1750 Statement of Resingation (Allen Baker, Sylvia Collins, Joe Leonard, Chet Marco) 1752 Open Letter to the National Committee and All the Members of the Workers Party, October 10, 1947 (E. Germain) 1779 For the Record (Hal Draper) 1780 1948: April 24 (3: 2) 1781 Letter of Comrade Demaziere to the Central Committee of the PCI (France) 1789 Letter from the San Francisco Branch: The Workers Party and the UAW 1806 Letter to the P.C. on Labor Action Article (Eugene Keller) 1808 Discussion of Statement on UAW Policy (Ben Hall) 1811 1948: July (3: 3)... ... 1811 1812 Socialist or "Socialist" Policy on the Marshall Plan, or How to Help Stalinism (Ben Hall) 1824 Note for the Bulletin (Ben Hall) 1825 Toward a Clean Banner (Ben Lawton) 1829 Statement on the Italian Elections (Political Committee) 1830 Comment on Czechoslovakia (William Barton) 1834 In Reply to Germain (Henry Judd) 1838 1948: August 11 (3: 4) (Convention Bulletin 111) Resignation of Albert Goldman from the Workers Party: 1839 Letter of Resignation 1840 Statement of the PC on Resignation 1843 "Party" or "Propaganda Group"? The Position and Orientation of Our Party (Shachtman)... 1843 1856 Correction—Statement on Italian Elections 1857 Motions on the Question of the New Jewish State, the Palestine War, Partition (N.C. Plenum, July 1948) National Election Policy of the Party: 1859 Statement of H. D. Coleman 1860 Letter from Max Shachtman to H. D. Coleman 1864 Letter from H. D. Coleman to Max Shachtman 1866 1948: September 21 (3: 5) (Convention Bulletin #2) 1867 Resolution—The Situation in the United States and Our Next Tasks (Gould, Shachtman) 1885 Revolutionary Road to Socialism (J. Wallis) 1900 A Path to the Revolutionary Road (S. Robertson) 1912 1948: November 10 (3: 0) (Convention Bulletin #3) 1913 Letters to Comrades in Europe (Max Shachtman) 1922 On Changing Our Name (H. D. Coleman) Questions Addressed to Max Shachtman on His Article "'Party' or 'Propaganda Group'" 1926 By Cleveland Branch 1927 By Larry O'Connor 1029 A Statement on the Tasks of the Party (Seattle Branch) 1934 For a "Party" Perspective (Irving Swanson) 1946 The Crisis in the Workers Party—Objective or Subjective? (A. Winters) 1946 1950 1948: November 23 (3: 7) (Convention Bulletin #4) 1951 Resolution - The Struggle for the World Today: Capitalism, Stalinism and the Third World War (Political Committee) 1979 1948: December 13 (3: S) (Convention Bulletin #5) 1980 A Third Camp Policy in the Unions (Larry O'Connor) 1985 On the Negro Question (Letter from San Francisco Bay Area Branch) 1986 Resolution on the Reconstruction of the Socialist International (Political Committee) 1989 The Slogan of an Independent Western Union (Political Committee) 1993 A Working Perspective (Vincent S. Wheelon) VOLUME 8 2000 1949: January 14 (3: 9) (Convention Bulletin #6) 2001 A Critique of the International Resolution Submitted by the PC (Paul Newman) 2009 A Realistic Propaganda Approach (Dave Corbin) 2018 Capitalism, Stalinism and War (Susan Green) 2026 On the Jewish Question: Resolutions of the Bund 2030 Proposed Amendments to the International Resolution (E. Garrett, H. Judd) 2033 1949: January 14 (3: 10) (Convention Bulletin #[7]) [Error. marked #6] 2034 Resolution - The Situation in the U.S. and Our Next Tasks (Draper, Gould, Shachtman) [1949] (4: 1) 2053 PART I. Erher Statement of Resignation 2086 PART II. under the Banner of Marxism (Max Shachtman) 2206 1949: January 31 (4: 2) (Convention Bulletin #8) 2207 The Party Should Work in American Mass Organizations (William Barton) 2210 Pre-Convention Discussion (J. Sifakis) 2212 Amendments to Resolution on International Situation (L. Shields) 2214 Organizing the unemployed (Robert Frost) 2215 The Imperialist Struggle for World Dominion (E. R. McKinney 2250 1949: February 2 (4: 3) (Convention Bulletin #9) 2251 On Resolution for Independent Western Union: Letter from National Buro of SYL to PC 2252 Letter from PC to National Buro of SYL 2258 The Socialist Propaganda Group and the Negroes (Larry O'Connor) 2263 Resolution on the Negro Question (Political Committee) 2271 1949: March 1 (4: 4) (Convention Bulletin #10) 2272 Let's Make a Fetish of Unity (Al Findley) 2274 The Situation in the United States and Our Next Tasks: A Critique and Some Suggestions (R. Magnus, Scott Byer, M. Rand) 2279 Notes for thu Pre-Convention Discussion (E. R. McKinney) 2285 A Proposal for a Change in Our Press (Hal Draper) 2295 Trade Union Resolution (Political Committee) 2300 Resolution on the Trade Union Question (E. R. McKinney) VOLUME 9 2310 1949: March 8 (4: 5) (Convention Bulletin #ll) 2311 The Situation in the United States and the Tasks of the Workers Party. Resolution (E. R. McKinney) 2331 Resolution on the Negro Question (Larry O'Connor) 2333 1949: March 17 (4: 6) (Convention Bulletin #12) 2334 Information Relevant to the Negro Question (Sid Roberts)... ... 2334 2336 An Amendment to the Resolution Adopted by the Political Committee, "The Situation inthe United States and Our Next Tasks" (Scott Byer & Dave Corbin) 2344 Socialist Policy in Indonesia (Robert Magnus) 2349 Youth Resolution (National Bureau, Socialist Youth League) FORUM (I.S.L.) 2353 1949: June 15 (1: 1) 2354 Under the Banner of Zinoviev (H. D. Coleman) 2360 General Problems of Democracy (J. Kallis) 2373 More About Stalinism, Capitalism and War (Susan Green) International Information: Revolutionary Communist Party (Great Britain) 2383 Editorial Note 2384 Statement on Perspective of RCP Submitted to CC by J. Haston, et al. 2388 Letter to the I.S. from Political Bureau of RCP Excerpts from Letters from Abroad 2396 From a British Friend 2400 From a German Friend 2401 From Another German Friend 2404 1950: January (1:2) 2405 Those St. Louis Blues. A Reply to H. D. Coleman (James M. Fenwick) 2412 Muniz Seeks New Tactics—And Rejects Marxism (Jacques) 2422 Introduction to the POst-Plenum Discussion (Albert Gates) Motions on Political Action: 2422 Ben Hail 2423 Max S.hachtman 2424 Amended by E. Garrett 2425 R. Ferguson 2426 1950: April (1: 3) [Error. marked 2: 3] 2426 The ISL and Labor Politics (Susan Green) 2437 The Abner Campaign and ISL Policy (William Barton) 2439 The Labor Bureaucracy in the Democratic Party. A Discussion of Political Policy (Gordon Haskell) 2444 1951: March 2445 Summing Up the Discussion on the Korean Statement (Susan Green) 2462 The New Labor Action (R. Fahan & Henry Judd) Discussion on the War Question: 2465 Letter from Henry Coleman 2467 Reply of Mary Bell 2471 Cleveland Workers Defense Council. A leaflet and exchange of letters. 2474 On the Abner Campaign. A report and editorial reply 2478 1951: April Resolution s for the Convention of the Independent Socialist League: 2479 Note International Resolution (2 parts) 2480 a. Independent Socialism and the Third World War 2491 b. the Meaning of the British Labor Government 2501 On the Situation in the United States 2515 Resolution on the Jewish Question, Israel and Palestine 2523 [1952] 2524 Leninist and Sectarian Positions on Imperialist War (Wm. Stanley, James Thompson) 2528 [1952] 2530 Socialists and World War III (Saul Berg) 2532 Who Can Wage a Democratic War? (J. Walker) 2534 1953: January 2535 Statement of Political Committee on the Resignation of Irving Howe and Henry Judd 2538 Statement of Resignation of Irving Howe and Henry Judd from the ISL 2541 Letter to Political Committee by Garrett and Brad 2542 Statement of PC on Letter of Garrett and Brad 2543 What Happened at the New York Membership Meeting (Albert Gates) 2545 Some Remarks on the Mar Question (R. Magnus) VOLUME 10 2560 1953: March 15 2561 A Critique of Magnus' "Some Remarks on the War Question" (Jack Walker & Saul Berg) 2569 Political Prospects (R. Magnus & S. Beilas) 2578 1953: November 2 2579 Two Comrades in Search of a Right-Wing Program (Hal Draper) 2586 Methodology and the War Question (D. Corbin) 2593 1954: May 2594 Resolution on the Political Situation in the United States. Draft Resolution of the Political Committee 2616 Amendment to Resolution by P.C. Minority (Shachtman, Gates, Haskell) 2617 Should the Bolsheviks Have Surrendered State Power? (James Thompson) 2619 1954: July 2620 Resolution on the International Situation. Draft Resolution of the Political Committee. 2640 Correction 2641 1954: August 26 2642 ISL-YSL Relations (Saul Berg) 2644 Amendment to the P.C. International Resolution (Berg, Walker, Thompson) 2648 Amendment to the Draft Resolution on the Political Situation in the U.S. (Henry Gale) 2651 Amendment to the Resolution on the Political Situation in U.S. (Beilas, Arnold, Green) 2652 The Labor Party Line and Some Related Tactics (Joe Arnold) 2653 Motion on 'Dissent' (Max Martin) 2654 We Must Retrench to Survive! (Gordon Haskell) 2661 1957: March 2662 Editorial notes 2664 Socialist Unity Resolution HI (Socialist Unity and the Socialist Party) 2666 Socialist Unity Resolution H2 (Proposed Statement...on Socialist Regroupment) 2669 Memorandum on Our Perspectives and Orientation in the Matter of Socialist Unity (P.C. Majority Resolution) 2674 P.C. Minority Resolution on Socialist Unity... ... 2674 2677 For a. Healthy Socialist Unity (Gordon Haskell) 2683 The Meaning of Shachtman's "Socialist Unity" (Hal Draper) 2692 1957: June 1 ... 2692 2693 Resolution on Perspectives for American Socialism: Part I. Draft Resolution of the Political Committee 2701 Minority Substitute for Part I. (Hal Draper) 2702 On the Controversy in the ISL (Debbie Meier) 2706 The Vanguard Party (Saul Berg & Debbie Meier) 2713 Resolution on the International Situation: Part I. (Draft Resolution of P.C.) 2731 Amendment to Resolution on Unity (Saul Berg, Debbie Meier) 2732 1958: January 2734 Resolution on Socialist Perspectives in the United States: Socialists and the Labor Movement. Draft Resolution of the Political Committee 2742 Amendments to the PC Draft Resolution (McDcrmott, Weinrib, Falk) 2744 Socialism and the Labor Movement. (PC Minority Draft Resolution) (Draper, Winters) 2748 Ideas, Personal Relations and the All-inclusive Concept (Frank Harper) 2749 Socialists, Unions and Political Action (H. W. Benson) 2766 Socialist Participation in the Labor Movement (A. Winters) 2768 National Communism in Transition (Paul Germain) ===================