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Lenni Brenner


Zionism in the Age of the Dictators
A Reappraisal


Lenni Brenner: Zionism in the Age of the Dictators.
Copyright © 1983 Lenni Brenner. All Rights Reserved. Reposted here by permission of the author.
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators by Lenni Brenner is presented online for personal use only.
No portions of this book may be reprinted, reposted or published without written permission from the author.
Transcribed by Lenni Brenner.
Copied with thanks from the Website REDS – Die Roten.
Marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.

Complete in one Word file [RTF] click here

In lieu of a new introduction
Edward Mortimer: Contradiction, collusion and controversy

(A review from the London Times)


1. Zionism and Anti-Semitism Prior to the Holocaust

2. Blut und Boden (Blood and Soil): The Roots of Racist Zionism

3. German Zionism and the Collapse of the Weimar Republic

4. Zionism and Italian Fascism, 1922-1933

5. German Zionism Offers to Collaborate with Nazism

6. The Jewish Anti-Nazi Boycott and the Zionist-Nazi Trade Agreement

7. Hitler Looks at Zionism

8. Palestine – The Arabs, Zionists, British and Nazis

9. The World Jewish Congress

10. Zionist-Revisionism and Italian Fascism

11. Revisionism and Nazism

12. Georg Kareski, Hitler's Zionist Quisling Before Quisling

13. Choosing the Chosen People – The Doctrine of “Zionist Cruelty”

14. The World Zionist Organisation and Italian Fascism, 1933-1937

15. Austria and the “Gentile Friends of Zionism”

16. The Jewish Parties of Eastern Europe

17. Spain – The Nazis Fight, the Zionists Do Not

18. Zionism's Failure to Fight Nazism in the Liberal Democracies

19. Zionism and the Japanese East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

20. Poland, 1918-1939

21. Zionism in Holocaust Poland

22. Zionist Collusion with the Polish Government-in-Exile

23. Illegal Immigration

24. The Wartime Failure to Rescue

25. Hungary, the Crime Within a Crime

26. The Stern Gang

Stern Gang: Proposal of Irgun Zvai Leumi
Concerning the Solution of the Jewish Question
and Participation in the War on the Side of Germany

(The German original)

Glossary of Jewish and Zionist Organisations



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Last updated on 20.8.2006