The Red Army on a Peace Footing

Orders, Circulars, Telegrams, etc.


To the Revolutionary War Council of the Black Sea Fleet

Transcribed and HTML markup for the Trotsky Internet Archive by David Walters

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I visited the Destroyer Division. In spite of difficult conditions, substantial success has been attained in the work of restoring the Red Navy. From now on we shall go forward step by step, confidently, steadily and systematically. The Revolutionary War Council of the Republic will make every effort to improve the position of the sailors and, in particular, that of the commanders and commissars. Difficult conditions have reduced our navy to the minimum. All the more important and necessary, all the more obligatory, is it to make the navy exemplary in all respects. Long live the Red Navy!

Izv.V.Ts.I.K., October 29, 1922, No.245

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Last updated on: 28.12.2006