Marxists Internet Archive:  Mehmet Shehu

Mehmet Shehu


Mehmet Shehu (1912 - 1981). Leader of the partisan resistance during the fascist occupations of Albania as well as a member of Albania's Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation. Served as Prime Minister of Albania from 1954 to 1981. Died by suicide amidst political controversy.



1963: Reply to Zhou Enlai

1966: Speech at the Banquet Given by Comrades Liu Shao-chi and Chou En-lai in Honour of the Albanian Party and Government Delegation

1966: Speech at Mass Rally in Beijing

1966: Speech at Farewell Banquet in Beijing

1966: Joint Statement of China and Albania

1968: Warsaw Treaty Has Become Instrument for Soviet Revisionists' Aggression Against and Enslavement of the People of Member States

1970: The Government of the People's Republic of Albania will be Guided in all it's Activities by the Marxist-Leninist General Line of the Party

1978: Socialist Albania Will Never Budge From Its Revolutionary Positions

1978: On the Experience of the National Liberation War and the Development of Our National Army