Marxist Writers: Evgeny B. Pashukanis
Marxists’ Internet Archive
Evgeny B. Pashukanis
1891 – 1937
[Memories of Pashukanis]
by John N. Hazard
[Introduction to Pashukanis]
by Piers Beirne & Robert SharletSelected Bibliography of E.B. Pashukanis
The General Theory of Law and Marxism (1924)
Lenin and Problems of Law (1925)
Selections from the Encyclopaedia of State and Law (1925/1927)
Leon Duguit
International Law
The Object of Law
The Marxist Theory of Law and the Construction of Socialism (1927)
Revolutionary Elements in the History of the English State and Law (1927)
Economics and Legal Regulation (1929)
The Marxist Theory of State and Law (1932)
A Course on Soviet Economic Law (extract) (1935)
State and Law under Socialism (1936)
Last updated on 13.5.2004