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From International Press Correspondence, Vol. 2 No. 66, 8 August 1922, p. 499.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for the Marxists’ Internet Archive.
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With regard to the grave damages sustained by the economic life of Russia through the famine, the International Famine relief Congress in Berlin has made known its decision to continue its aid for the Russian famine and the reconstruction of economic life, without abatement. Upon their return to their native lands, the various delegates have immediately acted upon this decision by initiating a new and energetic propaganda in favor of assistance for the famine regions and economic reconstruction. In nearly all countries, efforts are being continued to bring help to the workers and peasants of Russia. Thanks to the untiring sacrifices and vigorous solidarity of the workers, it was possible for the Workers’ Relief Committee, in the last few weeks, to arrange for the sending of several ships, laden with foodstuffs and other necessities, to Russia. Petrograd has recently telegraphed that a few days ago, the Swedish steamer, Solwig, with foodstuffs, clothing, shoes and tools, to the value of 24,000 Swedish crowns, has arrived in that port. At about the same time, the large American steamer, the Belvedere, arrived in Petrograd with 1,100 tons of flour, sent by the Friends of Soviet Russia to be distributed among the famine sufferers through the agency of the International Workers’ Relief Committee. The steamer, Tarrudant, from Marseilles on July 30th, brought to Odessa 1,200 tons of rice, as a gift from the French workers to their Russian brothers. The steamer, Rockaway Park, left America on the 19th of July, with food, clothes and shoes for the Workers’ Relief. As soon as the Seamen’s strike in Stettin is ended, or as soon as the strike committee there decides not to consider relief cargoes for their starving brothers in Russia as capitalist merchandise, the steamer, Bürgermeister Hagen, will sail for Petrograd with 400 tons of flour, 10,000 Kilograms of fat, with the French Relief Train’s contribution of 140 carloads of flour, fats, grain, other foodstuffs, shoes, clothes, tools, etc., and 100 more tons of machinery, tools, motor cars, etc.
At the Hague, the capitalists have once again declined to extend credits and trading facilities to Russia. The common exertions of the international proletariat must and will see to it that the ships which have arrived in Russia, or which are on their way there, should soon be again en route for Russia with relief materials of all lands.
Last updated on 5 May 2020