V. I.   Lenin





Professor Dr. Alexander Supan, Territorial Development of European Colonies, 1906 (pp. 256 and 257)[1]

Table 1. Colonial Possessions in 1876 and 1900 (by continents)[2]
From Otto H\"ub-
ner’s Statistical
Tables (1914)
1876 1900 Increase (+) and
Decrease (–)
sq. km.
sq. km.
sq. km.
sq. km.
Asia 22,772.9 291,495 25,012.7 390,636 + 2,239.8 + 99,141 25,297.1 422,658
Great Britain 3,765.4 241,835 5,224.4 301,495 + 1,459.0 + 59,660 5,265.3 324,773
Netherlands 1,520.6 24,170 1,520.6 37,494 + 13,324 1,520.6 37,717
France 160.0 2,683 664.2 18,073 + 504.2 + 15,390 803.5 17,272
Spain 296.3 6,000 296.3 6,000
Portugal 19.9 849 19.9 810 39 22.8 980
German Empire 0.5 84 + 0.5 + 84 0.5 192
Russia 17,010.7 15,958 17,286.8 25,045 + 276.1 + 9,087 17,388.1 33,164
United States (evidently
296.3 7,635 + 296.3 + 7,635 296.3 8,460
Africa 3,218.7 11,426 26,950.9 123,349 + 23,732.2 +111,924 28,583.8 126.614
Great Britain 706.9 2,331 9,201.2 53,0972 + 8,494.32 + 50.766 9,675.7 52,069
Belgium, the Congo 2,382.8 19,000 + 2,382.8 + 19,000 2,365.0 15,003
France 700.0 2,875 10,211.2 31,518 + 9,511.2 + 28,643 9,660.3 37,750
Spain 9.8 319 220.3 673 + 210.5 + 354 560.5 589
Portugal 1,802.0 5,900 2,073.2 6,865 + 271.2 + 965 2,069.9 8,351
Italy 510.0 731 + 510.0 + 731 1,590.1 1,403
German Empire 2,352.2 11,465 + 2,352.2 + 11,465 2,662.3 11,449
Australia 7,699.4 1,970 7,699.4 3,983 + 2,013 (7,699.4) (3,983)
Great Britain 7,699.4 1,970 7,699.4 3,983 + 2,013
Polynesia 711.9 934 1,238.9 2,440 + 527.0 + 1,506 7,760
Great Britain 291.9 564 558.7 1,496 + 266.8 + 932 8,261.3 6,588
Netherlands 394.1 240 394.8 240 + 0.7 394.8 240
France 23.3 93 24.2 88 + 0.9 5 22.6 80
Spain 2.6 37 2.6 37
German Empire 243.8 449 + 243.8 + 449 245.1 641
United States6 17.4 167 + 17.4 + 167 17.4 211
America 10,599.8 7,740 10,502.6 9,148 97.2 + 1,408 9,184.1 10,731
Great Britain 8,711.4 5,160 8,728.2 7,533 + 16.8 + 2,373 8,962.3 10,114
Netherlands 130.2 110 130.2 140 + 30 130.2 140
France 82.0 346 82.0 428 + 82 91.2 450
Spain 123.3 2,025 123.3 2,025
Denmark 0.4 38 0.4 31 7 0.4 27
Sweden 0.02 1 0.02 1
United States6 1,552.5 60 1,561.8 1,016 + 9.3 + 956
Arctic 1,492.1 82 1,492.1 91 + 9 15
Great Britain8 1,301.1 1 1,301.1 1 1,374.0 2
Denmark9 191.0 81 191.0 90 + 9 88.1 13
Antarctic 3.5 + 3.5
France10 3.5 + 3.5
__ __
Total 46,494.8 313,646 72,900.1 529,647 +26,405.3 +216,001
2 With Egypt and the Sudan....
6 Included among the colonies here are the Hawaiian Islands and Alaska, countries not bordering [on the main territory of the metropolitan country].
8 The Arctic Archipelago of North America....
9 Iceland and Greenland.
10 (The islands St. Paul, New Amsterdam, Kerguelen)....
Table 2. Colonial Possessions, 1876 and 1900
(by owning countries)[3]
(From H\"ubner’s tables) 1914
1876 1900 Increase (+) and
Decrease (–)
sq. km.
sq. km.
sq. km.
sq. km.
Great Britain 22,476.1 251,861 32,713.0 367,605 +10,236.9 +115,744 33,538.6 393,546
Asia 3,765.4 241,835 5,224.4 301,495 +1,459.0 +59,660 5,265.3 324,773
Africa 706.9 2,331 9,201.2 53,097 +8494.3 +50,766 9,675.7 52,069
Australia 7,699.4 1,970 7,699.4 }} 8,258.1 3,983 +2,013 }} 8,261.3 6,588
Polynesia 291.9 564 558.7 1,496 +266.8 +932
America 8,711.4 5,160 8,728.2 7,533 +16.8 +2,373 8,962.3 10,114
Arctic 1,301.1 1 1,301.1 1 1,374.0 2
Netherlands 2,044.9 24,520 2,045.6 37,874 +0.7 +13,354 2,045.6 38,097
Asia 1,520.6 24,170 1,520.6 37,494 +13,324 1,520.6 37,717
Polynesia 394.1 240 394.8 240 +0.7 394.8 240
America 130.2 110 130.2 140 +30 130.2 140
Belgium—The Congo 2,382.8 19,000 +2,382.8 +19,000 2,365.0 15,003
Africa 2,382.8 19,000 +2.382.8 +19,000 2,365.0 15,003
France 965.3 5,997 10,985.1 50,107 +10,019 8 +44,110 10,581 55,552
Asia 160.0 2,683 664.2 18,073 +504.2 +15,390 803.5 17,272
Africa 700.0 2,875 10,211.2 31,518 +9,511.2 +28,643 9,660.3 37,750
Polynesia 23.3 93 24.2 88 +0.9 –5 22.6 80
America 82.0 346 82.0 428 +82 91.2 450
Antarctic 3.5 +3.5 (3.5)
Spain 432.0 8,381 220.3 673 211.7 7,708 560.5 589
Asia 296.3 6,000 –296.3 –6,000
Africa 9.8 319 220.3 673 +210.5 +354 560.5 589
Polynesia 2.6 37 –2.6 –37
America 123.3 2,025 –123.3 –2,025
Portugal 1,821.9 6,749 2,093.1 7,675 +271.2 926 2,092.7 9,331
Asia 19.9 849 19.9 810 39 22.8 980
Africa 1,802.0 5,900 2,073.2 6,865 +271.2 965 2,069.9 8,351
Italy 510.0 731 +510.0 +731 1,590.1 1,403
Africa 510.0 731 +510.0 +731 1,590.1 1,403
German Empire 2,596.5 11,998 +2,596.5 +11,998 2,907.9 12,282
Asia 0.5 84 +0.5 +84 0.5 192
Africa 2,352.2 11,465 +2,352.2 +11,465 2,662.3 11,449
Polynesia 243.8 449 +243.8 +449 245.1 641
Denmark 191.4 119 191.4 121 +2 88.5 40
America 0.4 38 0.4 31 –7 0.4 27
Arctic 191.0 81 191.0 90 +9 88.1 13
Sweden 0.02 1 0.02 –1 0.02
America 0.02 1 –0.02 –1 (0.02)
Russia 17,010.7 15,958 17,286.8 25,045 +276.1 +9,087 17,388.1 33,164
Asia 17,010.7 15,958 17,286.8 25,045 +276.1 +9,087 17,388.1 33,164
United States 1,552.5 60 1,875.5 8,818 +323.0 +8.758 (1,875.5) (9,687)
Asia 296.3 7,635 +296.3 +7,635 296.3 8,460
Polynesia 17.4 167 +17.4 167 17.4 211
America 1,552.5 60 1,561.8 1,016 +9.3 +956 (1,561.8) (1,016)
Total 46,494.8 313,646 72,900.1 529,647 +26.405.34 +216,001 74,963.5 568,694

A. Supan, p. 254:

“Percentage of territory belonging to the European colonial powers (including the United States)[4]

1876 1900 Increase or
in Africa . . . . . . . . . . 10.8 90.4 +79.6
” Polynesia . . . . . . . . . . 56.8 98.9 +42.1
” Asia . . . . . . . . . . 51.5 56.6 +5.1
” Australia . . . . . . . . . . 100.0 100.0
” America 1) . . . . . . . . . . 27.5 27.2 –0.3
1) “Alaska is regarded here as a colony of the U.S.A.”

“The characteristic feature of this period is, therefore, the partition of Africa and Polynesia”... (p. 254).

The plunder of the natives by the European countries is especially clearly revealed in the account of the division of Farther India (Siam with British “Burma” or Burmania from the West, and French Indo-China from the East)—in Supan, p. 299 et seq. The result (in rounded area figures) (000 sq. km.):

1876 1900
British Malacca . . . . . 32 92 +60
British Burma . . . . . . 228 696 +468
French possessions . . . . 160 663 +503
Independent area . . . . . 1,665 634 –1,031
Farther India, in the polit-
ical sense . . . . . . .
2,085 2,085

“It should also be borne in mind that Siam is guaranteed only 239,000 sq. km.”....

((H\"ubner (1914) shows Siam as having 600,000 sq. km.!! Not yet completely plundered!!))

Supan states: “There should be no doubt that this process [the division of Farther India] is not yet completed.”

Summarising the results of colonisation, Supan says that it has been carried out mainly in the last fifty years (1850–1900)—p. 306 et seq.—He distinguishes three types of colonies: 1) native (no whites or almost none. British India belongs in this category); 2) mixed (whites in a minority; a mixture); 3) migrational colonies (marked preponderance of whites).

He gives detailed figures for America (38,331,200 sq. km.; 144.2 million inhabitants, including 88.3 million whites); Africa (26,950,900 sq. km.; 123.3 million inhabitants); Asia (24,506,200 sq. km.; 390.6 million inhabitants); South Seas colonies (8,938,300 sq. km.; 6.4 million inhabitants). Supan sums up as follows (p. 313):

sq. km.
number of
1) Native colonies 35.6 477.0 13
2) Mixed ” 33.9 79.7 2.3 11.5 mill.
3) Migrational ” 29.4 108.9 4 93.9
Colonised area 98.9 665.6 7 105.4

(In the first group is mainly India—with 365 million—in Asia, and 105 million in Africa.—In the third group are mainly North America—78.7 million, and Siberia and Central Asia—7.6 million).

__ __ N.B. ||| Supan, Population of the World. No. X to XII. Supplementary issues to Petermann’s Reports. Gotha, 1912. || N.B. __ __

What is imperialism?
“Great” Powers Colonies Metropolis Total
1876 1914 1914 1914
sq. km. popu-
sq. km. popu-
sq. km. popu-
sq. km. popu-
Great Britain 22.5 251.9 33.5 393.5 0.3 46.5 33.8 440.0
Russia 17.0 15.9 17.4 33.2 5.4 136.2 22.8 169.4
France 0.9 6.0 10.6 55.5 0.5 39.6 11.1 95.1
Germany 2.9 12.3 0.5 64.9 3.4 77.2
Japan 0.3 19.2 0.4 53.0 0.7 72.2
U.S.A. 0.3 9.7 9.4 97.0 9.7 106.7
Total for six
40.4 273.8 65.0 523.4 16.5 437.2 81.5 960.6
Three countries, whose partition has been particularly vigorous
(Turkey, China, Persia) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.5 361.2

The whole globe (without Polar regions) . . . . . . . 133 1,657
[BOX:] [[ All colonies: 46.5 313.6 74.9 568.7 ]]
Colonies not belonging
to the Great Powers 9.9 45.3
[BOX:] [[ N.B. Russia 169 X 0.57 = 96.33 N.B.
96 million oppressed or without equal rights ]]
sq. km. population
All Europe . . . . . . . . . . 9.97 452.4

Great Britain + France + Russia +
Germany . . . . . . . . . .
6.70 287.2
Other countries . . . . . . . . . .
3.27 165.2
All America . . . . . . . . . .
39.98 189.5
United States . . . . . . . . . .
9.40 97.0
All colonies . . . . . . . . . .
9.20 10.7
—— ——
Other countries . . . . . . . . . .
21.38 81.8
All Asia . . . . . . . . . .
44.45 871.2
All colonies . . . . . . . . . .
25.3 422.5

19.1 448.7
Three semi-colonies (Turkey + China
+ Persia) . . . . . . . . . .

14.5 361.2
remainder =
4.6 87.5
All Africa . . . . . . . . . .
29.9 136.2
All colonies . . . . . . . . . .
28.6 126.6
remainder =
1.3 9.6
All Australia . . . . . . . . . .
8.9 7.8
All colonies =
(+ Polynesia?) . . . . . . . . . .
7.7 3.4(?)
population (million)
6 Great Powers 437.2
All colonies 568.7 }} 929.9
3 “booty”

[BOX:] [[ 300 privileged
150 oppressed
{colonies and booty}
small states and
1,600 ]]
population (millions)
300 —“Great Powers” and privileged oppressors and plunderers
300 —dependent, unequal, plundered and small peoples
4,000 —colonies and “booty”
1,600 ]]
Nationality of foreigners in the Treaty Ports
Firms Individuals
Japanese 733 75,210
Russian 323 45,908
British 592 8,690
American 133 3,869
French 107 3,133
German 276 2,817
Portuguese 44 2,785
Italian 40 537
Austrian 17 328
Danish 11 279
Norwegian 8 250
Belgian 15 245
Spanish 6 224
Swedish 2 189
Dutch 13 157
Hungarian 3 27
Brazilian 1 9
Others 4 97
Total 2,328 144,754
Colonies (million)
Metropolis Colonies Total || 1876 1914
sq. km. popu-
sq. km. popu-
sq. km. popu-
|| sq. km. popu-
sq. km. popu-
(mill.) (mill.) (mill.)
(α) Russia (Europe+Asia) 5.4 136.2 16.9 33.2 22.3 169.4 || 17.0 15.9 17.4 33.2
(β) Great Britain 0.3 46.5 30.0 378.5 30.3 425.0 22.5 251.9 33.5 393.5
(γ) France 0.5 39.6 10.6 55.5 11.1 95.1 0.9 6.0 10.6 55.5

Σ= 6.2 222.3 57.5 467.2 63.7 689.5
) Belgium 0.03 7.5 2.4 15.0 2.4 22.5
Serbia 0.09 4.5 0.1 4.5
(δ) Germany 0.5 64.9 2.9 12.3 3.4 77.2 2.9 12.3
Austria-Hungary 0.7 51.4 0.7 51.4
Turkey 1.8 21.6 1.8 21.6

3.0 137.9 2.9 12.3 5.9 150.2
(ε) Japan 0.4 53.0 0.3 19.2 0.7 72.2 0.3 19.2
China 11.1 329.6 11.1 329.6
(ζ) U.S.A. 9.4 97.0 0.3 9.7 9.7 106.7 0.3 9.7

6 “Great” Powers (α–ζ) 16.5 437.2 61.0 508.4 77.5 945.6 || 40.4 273.8 65.0 523.4

) Belgium 29,452 sq. km. and 7.5 mill. population+2,400,000 sq. km. of
colonies with 15 mill. population. Σ = 2.4 mill. sq. km. and 22.5 mill.
1.8 21.6 }}
11.1 329.6
Σ= 12.9 351.2
Persia= 1.6 10.0
Σ= 14.5 361.2
Serbia 87,303 sq. km. and 4.5 mill. population.
Σ = 0.1 mill. sq. km. and 4.5 mill. population.
Balkan states before and after 1912–13[5] war
Total area (sq. km.) Population (000)
Rumania 131,353 8,340 139,693 7,248 354 7,602
Bulgaria 96,345 17,660 114,005 4,337 429 4,766
Serbia 48,303 39,000 87,303 2,912 1,533 4,445
Montenegro 9,080 5,100 14,180 285 150 435
Albania 28,000 28,000 800 800
Greece 64,657 51,318 }} 115,975 2,632 1,624 }} 4,256
Crete 8,618 }} –149,755 344 }} –4,583
Turkey 169,317 28,180 6,130 1,891

Balkan countries 527,673 –337 1 ) 527,336 23,888 307 24,195
  1 ) The difference is due to inaccurate measurement, Albania, in particular, being shown smaller than she is.
The whole world Population Special trade
sq. km.
mill. % per.
sq. km.
Imports Exports
(mill. marks)
Asia 44.45 871.2 52.6 19.6 9,278 10,162
Europe 9.97 452.4 27.3 45.4 56,655 44,224
Africa 29.89 136.2 8.2 4.5 3,149 3,584
America 39.98 189.5 11.4 4.7 15,738 18,286
Australia 8.96 7.8 0.5 0.9 2,199 2,269
Polar Countries 12.67 0.01 0.0

Total 145.92 1,657.1 100.0 11.4 87,019 78,525
Otto H\"ubner’s Geographical-Statistical Tables
1914 edition (63rd year)[6]
Great Britain
(1912) Egypt 4,241
(1912) Egyptian Sudan 1,725
(1912) Malta 13
(1911–12) Cyprus 98
(1911–12) India 55,875 > }}
(1911) Ceylon 971
(1911) Straits Settlements 34
— — 16
(1912) Malay Protectorate 1,180
(1912) Hong Kong 15
(1912) North Borneo 211 >
(1912) Union of South Africa 12,626 > }}
(1910) Basutoland 26
(1912) Rhodesia 3,872
(1912) Nyasaland 182
(1912) East Africa 943
(1912) Zanzibar 10
(1912) Nigeria 1,467
(1912) Sierra Leone 365
(1912) Gold Coast 270
(1912) Mauritius 207 >
(1912) Newfoundland 1,238 > }}
(1912) Canada 47,150
(1912) Jamaica 313
(1912) Windward Isles 45
(1912) Trinidad 135
(1912) Honduras 40
(1912) Guiana 152 >
(1912–13) Commonwealth of Australia 30,141 > }}
(1912–13) New Zealand 4,588 >

(1919) Algeria 3,491 > }}
(1912) Tunisia 1,656
(1913) West Africa 2,400
(1913) Somali Coast 130
(1913) Madagascar 368
(1913) Réunion 126 >
(1913) India 30 > }}
(1912) Indo-China 1,374
(1908) Martinique 224
(1913) Guiana 16
(1913) New Caledonia 17 >
Belgian Congo

(1912) Libya 87
(1912) Eritrea 120

German Empire
(1913) East Africa 1,602
(1913) Cameroon 443
(1913) Togoland 327
(1913) South-West Africa 2,104

(1912) East Indies 2,355
[MISSING] 2,683
Other possessions 337

(1913) Caucasus }}3 17,036
Central Asia }}3
Siberia }}3
(1911) Turkey
of which
1. Europe 1,994 > }}
2. Asia Minor 2,372
3. Syria and Arabia 2,294 >
(1909) Persia 54
in use 12
Table ends here,
even though totals are
absent after "in use 12".]
Total area
(sq. km.)
Turkey, constitutional state since
1,794,980 21,600,000 (1910)
Turkey in Europe 28,180 1,891,090 (1910)
Asia Minor 501,400 10,940,765 (1910)
Armenia and Kurdistan 186,500 2,357,436 (1900)
Syria and Mesopotamia 637,800 5,361,203 (1940)
Arabia 441,100 1,050,000 (1910)
China, republic since
March 1912
11,138,900 329,617,760
China proper 6,242,300 325,817,760 (1910)
Mongolia 2,787,600 1,800,000
Tibet 2,109,000 2,000,000
Japan, constitutional empire 673,681 72,200,475
Japan proper 382,415 52,985,423 (1912)
Formosa 35,997 3,512,607 (1913)
Karafuto (Japanese Sakhalin) 34,069 42,612 (1913)
Kwantung 3,374 501,767 (1913)
Korea 217,826 15,164,066 (1913)

N.B. In thousand sq. km. (total area)
PERSIA is about 1,645 (total population of Persia
in 1907: 9 1/2 million)
Under 1907 agreement:
British sphere of influence is about 355
Russian ” ” ” ” ” 790


[1] See present edition, Vol. 22, p. 254.—Ed.

[2] The text of this table in the notebook was written by N. K. Krupskaya except in places set in heavy type.—Ed.

[3] The text of this table in the notebook was written by N. K. Krupskaya; words in heavy type were written by Lenin.—Ed.

[4] See present edition, Vol. 22, p. 254.—Ed.

[5] The text of this table was written in the notebook by N. K. Krupskaya.—Ed.

[6] The text of page 10 in the notebook (pp. 305–07 of this volume) was Written by N. K. Krupskaya; words in heavy type were written by Lenin.—Ed.


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