The Organising Committee may meet, but not as a colle gium exerting an influence on the business of the Congress. The Organising Committee’s practical activity does not cease, but there is an end to its influence oh the Congress, apart from the commission.
Vtoroi ocherednoi syezd R.S.D.R.P. Polny tekst protokolov, central Committee publication. Geneva, 1904 | Printed from the text of the book |
{1} Lenin spoke twice on the question of the Organising Committee’s actions in calling the Second Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. For his first speech see present edition, Vol. 6, p. 484 and Note 136. The Congress adopted the following resolution:
“With the election of the committee, whose task is to determine the composition of the Congress, the Organising Committee has lost its right as a collegium to exert an influence on the composition of the Congress, and its activity, as a collegium, is deemed to have ceased on this point” (Vtoroi syezd R.S.D.R.P., 1959, pp. 37–38). p. 85
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