Marxists Internet Archive: Harry Haywood
Against Bourgeois-Liberal Distortions of Leninism on the Negro Question in the United States, The Communist, August 1930
The Crisis of the Jim-Crow Nationalism of the Negro Bourgeoisie, The Communist, April 1931
The Theoretical Defenders of White Chauvinism in the Labor Movement, The Communist, June 1931
Lessons of the Miners' Strike and Tasks of the N.M.U. Among Negro Miners, The Daily Worker, October 6, 1931
Lessons of the Miners' Strike and Tasks of the N.M.U. Among Negro Miners, Part II, The Daily Worker, October 7, 1931
The Tasks of Revolutionary Workers in the Mobilization of the Negro Masses Against the War Danger, The Daily Worker, December 19, 1931
For a Sharper Struggle Against Reformism The Daily Worker, January 19, 1932
The N.A.A.C.P. – Assistant Hangman Labor Defender, February 1932
Lynching, A Weapon of of National Oppression (with Milton Howard) (Pamphlet, 1932)
The N.A.A.C.P. Prepares New Betrayals of the Negro Masses, The Daily Worker, May 28, 1932
The N.A.A.C.P. Prepares New Betrayals of the Negro Masses, Part II, The Daily Worker, May 30, 1932
Scottsboro and Beyond Labor Defender, June 1932
The Scottsboro Decision. Victory of Revolutionary Struggle Over Reformist Betrayal The Communist, December 1932
Lenin and Negro Question in the United States, Daily Worker, January 14, 1933
Scottsboro Issue Creates Rank and File Opposition at N.A.A.C.P. Convention. Harry Haywood, Negro Communist Leader, Tells of Meet, Daily Worker, July 11, 1933
The New Deal of Lynch Terror in Alabama, Daily Worker, September 1, 1933
The Struggle for the Leninist Position on the Negro Question in the United States
Congress Anti-Lynch Bill Calls Mass Meetings "Mobs", Daily Worker, February 17, 1934
Anti-Lynching Bill in Congress Is Silent on Death Penalty, Daily Worker, February 20, 1934
Must Clarify the Negro Question in the Pre-Convention Discussion. Comrade Haywood Draws Lessons from the XIII ECCI Plenum for Our Work Among the Negroes, Daily Worker, March 10, 1934
Overcome Lagging in Negro Work, Smash Remnants of White-Chauvinism, Daily Worker, March 15, 1934
The Road to Negro Liberation, Report to the Eighth Convention of the CPUSA, April 2-8, 1934
Haywood New Sec'y League of Struggle for Negro Rights, Daily Worker, April 26, 1934
The South Comes North in Detroit's Own Scottsboro Case, An Address Delivered in Detroit, May 22, 1934
Negro Misleaders in Detroit, Harlem Liberator, June 9, 1934
Negro Workers Will Play Great Role in Coming Struggle of American Labor, Daily Worker, June 21, 1934
The Crawford Case and the N.A.A.C.P., Daily Worker, July 9, 1934
Crawford Case A Classic of N.A.A.C.P. Treachery, Daily Worker, July 10, 1934
N.A.A.C.P. Leadership in Lynchers' Camp, Daily Worker, July 11, 1934
Herndon is Symbol of New Fearless Negro Leader, Says Harry Haywood , Daily Worker, July 26, 1934
Japanese War Lords Try to Tie Negroes to Kite of Their Own Robber War Plans
How Mr. Jones, Negro Editor, Proposes to 'Save' Liberia. Reveals Link Between Padmore, Renegade, and W.N. Jones, Daily Worker, August 31, 1934
U.S. Imperialism's Slave Rule Aided by Jones' Liberia Plan, Daily Worker, September 1, 1934
Jones, Padmore, Schuyler – Lackeys of U.S. Imperialism, Daily Worker, September 3, 1934
George Schuyler – Judas in Modern Dress, Negro Liberator, September 22, 1934
George Schuyler – Judas in Modern Dress (continued), Negro Liberator, October 6, 1934
Scottsboro – The 20th Century Dred Scott Case Draws Sharp and Clear Lines of Class Struggle, Daily Worker, November 30, 1934
Scottsboro Verdict Affects the Basic Rights of Negroes, Daily Worker, January 13, 1935
Harry Haywood Discusses Problems of Building Labor Party Among the Negro Masses of Chicago, Daily Worker, December 12, 1935
Steuben Challenge Shows Changed Methods in Party Activities , Daily Worker, February 10, 1936
Self-Government – Struggle for Equality of Negro People, Daily Worker, August 3, 1936
Toward a Program of Agrarian Reforms for the Black Belt, Political Affairs, September 1946
Toward a Program of Agrarian Reforms for the Black Belt, Part II, Political Affairs, October 1946
Negro Liberation (book)
The Negro Nation (Chapter 7 of the book Negro Liberation)
A Mighty Weapon in the Fight Against Genocide, [review of We Charge Genocide] Political Affairs, January 1952
For A Revolutionary Position on the Negro Question
Letter from Harry Haywood to the POC
The Crisis of Negro Reformism and the Growth Of Nationalism (with Gwendolyn Midlo Hall) [from an unpublished manuscript, "Towards a Revolutionary Program for Negro Freedom"]
The Two Epochs of Nation-Development: Is Black Nationalism a Form of Classical Nationalism? (with Gwendolyn Midlo Hall) [from an unpublished manuscript, "Towards a Revolutionary Program for Negro Freedom"]
Is the Black Bourgeoisie the Leader of the Black Liberation Movement? (with Gwendolyn Midlo Hall) [from an unpublished manuscript, "Towards a Revolutionary Program for Negro Freedom"]
The Nation of Islam: An Estimate (with Gwendolyn Midlo Hall) [from an unpublished manuscript, "Towards a Revolutionary Program for Negro Freedom"]
The Degeneration of the CPUSA in the 1950s
Harry Haywood Honored. 78 Years of Struggle Hailed The Call, Vol. 4, No. 7, April 1976
Statement by Harry Haywood: "Unite to Build the New Party"
Harry Haywood's Speech at Congress: "We Have Taken First Step on a Long March"
Harry Haywood’s Speech at [CPML] Congress: ’We Have Taken First Step on a Long March’
Black Bolshevik, Auto-biography of an Afro-American Communist
Trotsky's Day in Court (Chapter 6 of the book Black Bolshevik
My Life as a Bundist [review of Black Bolshevik] Revolution, December 1978
RCP’s racist attack on Harry Haywood by Sherman Miller [reply to "My Life as a Bundist"]
Black Power and the Fight for Socialism
Harry Haywood: ’We Blacks owe a lot to Stalin’
China and its Supporters Were Wrong About USSR
’Black Bolshevik’ Harry Haywood Dies at 87 by Frances M. Beal
Further reading: Harry Haywood Archive from The Marxist-Leninist (off site)