Antonio Gramsci Archive

cover of paperback edition

An Antonio Gramsci Reader

selected writings,
Edited by David Forgacs
Schocken Books New York

Published in the United States by Schocken Books Inc., New York. Distributed by Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc., New York. This compilation originally published in Great Britain as A Gramsci Reader by Lawrence and Wishart, London, in 1988.

Edited by David Forgacs (© annotations and the selection), including translations from: Selections from Prison Notebooks (© Quintin Hoare and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, 1971); from Selections from Political Writings (1910-1920) (© Lawrence and Wishart, 1977); from Selections from Political Writings (1921-1926) (© Quintin Hoare, 1978); from Selections from Cultural Writings (© Lawrence and Wishart, 1986), and previously unpubished material (© David Forgacs 1988 and © Lawrence and Wishart 1988).

HTML Mark-up by Andy Blunden, December 2002.
Proofed and corrected by Kevin Goins, 2007.


Part One: Writings 1916-1926

I Socialism and Marxism 1917-1918

1 Discipline
2 The Revolution against Capital [from Selections from the Political Writings 1910-1920]
3 Our Marx
4 Class Intransigence and Italian History
5 Utopia

II Working-Class Education and Culture

1 Socialism and Culture
2 Schools of Labour
3 Men or Machines? [from Selections from the Political Writings 1910-1920]
4 The Popular University
5 Illiteracy
6 The Problem of the School
7 (Questions of Culture]
8 Marinetti the Revolutionary?

III Factory Councils and Socialist Democracy

1 Workers’ Democracy
2 Conquest of the State
3 To the Workshop Delegates of the Fiat Centro and Brevetti Plants
4 Unions and Councils [from Selections from the Political Writings 1910-1920]
5 Red Sunday
6 Political Capacity
7 Those Mainly Responsible
8 Once again on Organic Capacities of Working Class [from Selections from the Political Writings 1921-1926]

IV Communism 1919-24

1 The War in the Colonies
2 Workers and Peasants
3 The Livorno Congress
4 Parties and Masses [from Selections from the Political Writings 1921-1926]
5 What the Relations Should Be Between the PCdI and the Comintern
6 [Letter to Togliatti, Terracini and Others]

V Fascist Reaction and Communist Strategy 1924-1926

1 The Crisis of the Middle Classes
2 The Italian Situtation and the Tasks of the PCdl (Lyons Theses) [from Selections from the Political Writings 1921-1926]
3 Letter to the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party
4 Some Aspects of the Southern Question [from Selections from the Political Writings 1921-1926]


Part Two: Prison Writings 1929-1935


VI Hegemony, Relations of Force, Historical Bloc

1 Structure and Superstructure [i] [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
2 Structure and Superstructure [ii] [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
3 Structure and Superstructures [iii] [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
4 [The Concept of ‘Historical Bloc’] [published for the first time in The Reader]
5 [Ethico-Political History] [from Selections from Cultural Writing]
6 [Ethico-Political History and Hegemony] [published for the first time in The Reader]
7 [Political Ideologies] [published for the first time in The Reader]
8 Ideologies [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
9 Validity of Ideologies [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
10 Analysis of Situations: Relations of Force [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
11 Some Theoretical and Practical Aspects of ‘Economism’ [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks] [& in The Modern Prince]
12 Observations on Certain Aspects of the Structure of Political Parties in Periods of Organic Crisis [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]

VII The Art and Science of Politics

1 [War of Position and War of Manoeuvre] [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
2 War of Position and War of Manoeuvre or Frontal War [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
3 Transition from the War of Manoeuvre (and from Frontal Attack) to the War of Position in the Political Field as Well
4 [Internationalism and National Policy]
5 Question of the ‘Collective Man’ or ‘Social Conformism’
6 Concept of State
7 Ethical or Cultural State
8 State as Gendarme-Nightwatchman, etc.
9 The State as Veilleur de Nuit
10 Economic-Corporate Phase of the State
11 Statolatry
12 [The Political Party as Modern ‘Prince’] [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
13 Fetishism

VIII Passive Revolution, Caesarism, Fascism

1 The Problem of Political Leadership in the Formation and Development of the Modern State in Italy [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
2 Notes on French National Life
3 The Concept of ‘Passive Revolution’ [i]
4 [The Concept of Passive Revolution ii]
5 [The Concept of Passive Revolution iii]
6 [Fascism as Passive Revolution: First Version]
7 [Fascism as Passive Revolution: Second Version]
8 Agitation and Propaganda [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
9 Caesarism [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
10 Caesarism and ‘Catastrophic’ Equilibrium of Politico-Social Forces

IX Americanism and Fordism

1 Rationalization of the Demographic Composition of Europe [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
2 Some Aspects of the Sexual Question [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
3 Financial Autarky and Industry [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
4 ‘Animality’ and Industrialism [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
5 Rationalization of Production and Work [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
6 Taylorism and the Mechanization of the Worker [from Selections from the Prison Notebooks]
7 [Babbitt]
8 Babbitt Again
9 Notes on American Culture

X Intellectuals and Education

1 [Intellectuals]
2 Observations on the School: In Search of the Educational Principle
3 [Intellectuals and Non-Intellectuals]

XI Philosophy, Common Sense, Language and Folklore

1 Notes for an Introduction and an Approach to the Study of Philosophy in the History of Culture
    i Some preliminary reference points
    ii Observations and critical notes on an attempt at a ‘Popular Manual of Sociology’
2 Language, Languages, Common Sense
3 [‘Knowledge’ and ‘Feeling’]
4 [The Philosophy of Praxis and ‘Intellectual and Moral Reformation’]
5 How Many Forms of Grammar Can There Be?
6 Sources of Diffusion of Linguistic Innovations in the Tradition and of a National Linguistic Conformism in the Broad National Masses
7 Historical and Normative Grammars
8 Grammar and Technique
9 Observations on Folklore

XII Popular Culture

1 Concept of ‘National-Popular’
2 Various Types of Popular Novel
3 The Operatic Conception of Life
4 Popular Literature. Operatic Taste
5 Oratory, Conversation, Culture

XIII Journalism

1 Ideological Material
2 Dilettantism and Discipline
3 [Integral Journalism]
4 Types of Periodical

XIV Art and the Struggle for a New Civilization

1 Art and the Struggle for a New Civilization
2 Art and Culture
3 Literary Criticism
4 Criteria of Literary Criticism
5 Sincerity (or Spontaneity) and Discipline
6 [‘Functional’ Literature]