Marxist Writers: Martin Glaberman
Marxists’ Internet Archive
Martin Glaberman
1918 – 2001
“There’s an early article and this comes from a different book where Marx says in order to create a new society we need new people. New people are created in activity and we need a revolution not only because the old ruling class can only be overthrown in a revolution, but you need a revolution in order to transform the people making it. So they become qualified to create a certain society. That’s clearly the reverse of what most Marxists think. Most Marxists think you have to change people. You have to convince them and then you make a revolution, but Marx says no. You make a revolution and that will change them.” – Revolutionary Optimist
Martin Glaberman referred to himself as an “unreconstructed Johnsonite.” Johnson being the pen named used by the West Indian Marxist C.L.R. James during his time in the United States. Glaberman was a member of the tendency James founded along with Raya Dunayevskaya in 1941, and worked with James until the latter’s death in 1989. During this time Glaberman was the managing editor of such publications as Correspondence, Speaking Out and Speak Out. Glaberman worked as an auto worker for twenty years where he served as a shop steward, committeemen and local union editor. He was Professor Emeritus of Social Science in the College of Lifelong Learning of Wayne State University in Detroit. He was the author of countless articles and pamphlets, as well as a number of books. He died in December 2001.
Remembering Marty Glaberman (1918–2001),
by Seymour Faber & Linda Manning Myatt (Against the Current, No. 97, March/April 2002)Works:
7 Mar. 1939
Liberation Seen Near for Framed Harlan Miners (as Martin Harvey)
20 Jan. 1940
FDR’s Washington Is Jim Crow Town (as Martin Harvey)
3 Jan. 1944
Michigan CIO Leaders Move for Labor Party (as Martin Harvey)
5 June 1944
Low-Down on the Chrysler Strike (as Martin Harvey)
24 July 1944
Michigan CIO Retreats from Its 1943 Militancy (as Martin Harvey)
7 Aug. 1944
Chrysler Strike Leaders in Big Sweep of Local Union Elections (as Martin Harvey)
14 Aug. 1944
UAW Chiefs Doublecross Militant Chevvy Union (as Martin Harvey)
28 Aug. 1944
GM Workers Slugging It Out with Bosses and WLB! (as Martin Harvey)
28 Aug. 1944
Michigan Politics a Sewer (as Martin Harvey)
9 Oct. 1944
Chevvy Local Elects Militant Leadership (as Martin Harvey)
30 Oct. 1944
UAW Members Can Defeat the No-Strike Pledge (as Martin Harvey)
6 Nov. 1944
Detroit Strikes Show Need to End “Pledge” (as Martin Harvey)
4 Dec. 1944
No Place in Dearborn for Negro Housing (as Martin Harvey)
Jan. 1945
Charles and Mary Beard (book review)
8 Jan. 1945
15 Jan. 1945
29 Jan. 1945
26 Feb. 1945
5 Mar. 1945
12 Mar. 1945
19 Mar. 1945
30 April 1945
7 May 1945
14 May 1945
11 June 1945
How to Get Full Employment? Socialist Planning, Not Profits!
25 June 1945
24 Sept. 1945
1 Oct. 1945
1 Oct. 1945
1 Oct. 1945
Use of Derogatory Term (letter)
8 Oct. 1945
15 Oct. 1945
Nov. 1945
19 Nov. 1945
3 Dec. 1945
Jan. 1946
Feb. 1946
Big Business in a Democracy (book review)
Apr. 1946
The Age of Jackson (book review)
13 May 1946
On the Issue of Factory Committees (as Martin Harvey)
15 Aug. 1946
UAW Leads Buyer’s Strike in Detroit Area (as Martin Harvey)
21 Oct. 1946
Disputes Review of Animal Farm (as Martin Harvey) (letter)
Aug. 1947
Summer 1965
Summer 1965
“Be his payment high or low”: The American Working Class in the Sixties
Winter 1965/66
Summer 1966
On the Giant’s Shoulders (book review)
Winter 1966/67
The East Is Red (book review)
January 1967
June 1967
Jan. 1968
Nkrumah’s Sponsors (letter)
June/July 1968
April 1968
April 1968
July 1968
Apr./May 1969
Nov./Dec. 1972
Unions vs. Workers in the Seventies: The Rise of Militancy in the Auto Industry
Nov./Dec. 1973
The American Working Class in Historical Perspective (book review)
Feb. 1974
False Promises: A Review (book review)
Sept. 1974
The Working Class and Social Change (pamphlet)
Apr. 1980
Terror in Italy (letter)
Wildcat I (poem)
Walter Reuther, “Social Unionist” (book review)
“Workers have to deal with their own reality and that transforms them”
Jan. 1997
Jan. 1998
Remembering C.L.R. James (book review)
Sept. 1998
Working For Wages: The Roots Of Insurgency (extract) (with Seymour Faber)
Back To The Future: The Continuing Relevance of Marx (with Seymour Faber)
Revolutionary Optimist (interview)
May 2001
On C.L.R. James (letter) (with Alex LoCascio)
Oct. 2001
Letter to Discussion Bulletin (letter)
Last updated on 2 July 2020