MIA: Marxist Writers: Isaac Deutscher


Isaac Deutscher

Isaac Deutscher


Biography (marxist glossary entry)

Biographies of Isaac Deutscher provided from trotskyana.net from their Bio-bibliographical sketches of selected Trotskyists page:
Biography Part I
BiographyPart II


Starve For Victory! Compulsory Saving or Compulsory Inflation, February 1940

A Dialogue on Political Jugglery and the Class Struggle, March 1940

The Angels and the Devil, May 1940


The Poet and the Revolution, July 1943


Writing a Biography of Stalin, December 1947

Soviet Diplomacy, December 1947


Russia’s Economic Outlook Today, January 1948

Trotsky on Stalin, July 1948

The Economic Policy of the Soviet, July 1948

Review: Maurice Dobb, Soviet Economic Development Since 1917, October 1948

Marx and Russia, November 1948


Russia: Postwar Moods, August 1949

Atomic Bomb: Deadlock Ahead, November 1949


Soviet Trade Unions: Their Place in Soviet Labour Policy, 1950

Two Revolutions, 1950

The Ex-Communist's Conscience, April 1950

A Useful Bogeyman, May 1950

Stalin, Mao and Korea, August 1950

Stalin Talks At Last, September 1950

Has Stalin ‘Stopped’ at the Middle East?, October 1950

What Russia Is After, November 1950


Mid-Century Russia, 1951

The Myth of the Chinese Landlord, June 1951

Explosive Issue in the USSR, July 1951

How Strong Is the USSR?, August 1951

A Soviet Reverie, November 1951


‘Socialist Competition’, April 1952

Stalin’s Stake in Mao’s Army, May 1952

Moscow: Behind The Outstretched Han, June 1952

The Tragic Life of a Polrugarian Minister, July 1952

West German Rearmament and the Politburo, August 1952

Soviet Production: Steel Before Shoes, October 1952

The Latest Ambiguities of Stalin, the Aging Oracle, December 1952


Russia After Stalin, 1953

New Structure of Soviet Leadership: Mr Malenkov and Stalin’s ‘Old Guard’, March 1953

Stalin’s Last Word, April 1953

The Legacies and Heirs of JV Stalin, April 1953

The Nineteenth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, April 1953

Mao and Stalin: Horse Traders, June 1953

Lenin’s Foreign Policy, June 1953

Rival Forces in Kremlin: An Assessment As Supreme Soviet Meets, August 1953

The Kremlin Triumvirs: One Down, Two to Go, September 1953

Soviet Diplomacy, October 1953

Communist Movements, October 1953


Changes in the Ukraine: Three-Hundredth Anniversary of Union with Russia, January 1954

Beria’s Trial: The Old Show?, February 1954

A Reply to Critics, March 1954

Israel’s Spiritual Climate, May 1954

How the Russians Bet a Little in Asia to Win a Lot in Europe, September 1954

Russia: After Lenin and After Stalin, November 1954

Post-Stalinist Ferment of Ideas, November 1954

Ferment of Ideas in Russia: I: Revolt Against Orthodoxy of Stalinist Era, November 1954

Ferment of Ideas in Russia: II: More Liberal Outlook in Education, November 1954

Ferment of Ideas in Russia: III, November 1954

Ferment of Ideas in Russia: Response, December 1954

The New Soviet Policy Towards the Satellites, December 1954

The Road to Stalinism, December 1954


1984 – The Mysticism of Cruelty, 1955

Mr E H Carr as Historian of the Bolshevik Regime, 1955

Determinists All, January 1955

The Voice of Moscow Grows Harsh Again, January 1955

Behind the Soviet Façade, March 1955

The Great Flight From Stalinism, June 1955

Is Germany the Key To Soviet Manoeuvres?, September 1955

The Protocols of Maxim Litvinov, November 1955

Wages in the Soviet Union, December 1955

Can Mao Collectivise Half a Billion Farmers?, December 1955

Russia in Transition, Winter 1955


The Meaning of De-Stalinisation, 1956

Review: James Joll, The Second International, 1889-1914, January 1956

Break With Stalinism: I: Symptoms of Transformation in Russian Regime, February 1956

Break With Stalinism: II: Higher Standard of Living To Defeat the West, February 1956

Massive Soviet Industrial Challenge: Race to Surpass US Production, February 1956

The New Soviet Five-Year Plan That May Challenge the West, February 1956

Communist Party Congress: The Break with Stalinism, March 1956

Why Molotov ‘Resigned’, June 1956

Since Stalin Died, June 1956

Khrushchev on Stalin, June 1956

The Stalinists’ Case Against Stalin, July 1956

October Revolutions, New Style, November 1956


Russia in Transition, 1957

Khrushchev at Home, 1957

Four Decades of the Revolution, 1957

Rokossovsky: Pole or Russian?, January 1957

Khrushchev Charts A New Economic Course, June 1957

The Doctrine of a Hundred Flowers, June 1957

Was the Revolution Betrayed?, August 1957

New Line-Up In the Kremlin, August 1957

The New Soviet Strategy, October 1957

Russia: Who Shall Decide, When Planners Disagree?, October 1957

Did Zhukov Carry De-Stalinisation Too Far?, November 1957


Forty Years of Russian Communism, January 1958

The Tragedy of the Polish Communist Party, March 1958

The Appearance and Reality Of Khrushchev’s ‘Promotion’, May 1958

Act Two of Hungary’s Tragedy, July 1958

From Finland Station to Hungary, August 1958

Moscow, Peking and Arab Nationalism, September 1958

Message of the Non-Jewish Jew, September 1958

The Irony of History in Stalinism, November 1958

China: Ultra-Communism: Down on the Farm, November 1958


Three Trends in Communism, January 1959

Khrushchev, Mao and Stalin’s Ghost, February 1959

Lenin’s Last Dilemma, April 1959

Khrushchev Plays For Time, May 1959

The Soviet Economic Commonwealth: Stalin’s Answer to the Marshall Plan – And How It Grew, July 1959

Communism’s Common Market, July 1959

From Stalin to Adam Smith, July 1959

Prophet In Exile, September 1959


The Great Contest: Russia and the West, 1960

Khrushchev Plays The Waiting Game, January 1960

The Communists’ Dilemma, May 1960

Khrushchev, Mao and the Wolf of Chungshan, August 1960

Roots of Bureaucracy, September 1960

Uneasy Allies in Algeria, November 1960


The New Communist Manifesto, January 1961

Russia’s Farm Crisis, January 1961

Pasternak and the Calendar of the Revolutionary, Spring 1961

Trouble on the Kolkhozy, June 1961

Between Past and Future, November 1961


Preface to Marcel Liebman, The Russian Revolution, 1962


Interview with Isaac Deutscher, The Review, 1963


Introduction to The Age of Permanent Revolution: A Trotsky Anthology, 1964

Maoism – Its Origins and Outlook, 1964

Three Currents in Communism, February 1964

The Mensheviks: George Plekhanov, April 1964

The Comintern Betrayed, June 1964

Two Autobiographies, June 1964

On Internationals and Internationalism, October 1964


The Failure of Khrushchevism, 1965

György Lukács and ‘Critical Realism’, 1965

Marxism in Our Time, February 1965

The Mensheviks: The Débâcle of 1917, February 1965

The Mensheviks: Exile and Debasement, April 1965

Myths of the Cold War, May 1965

Vietnam in Perspective, May 1965


Marxism and Non-Violence, 1966

An Open Letter To Wladyslaw Gomulka and the Central Committee of the Polish Workers Party, April 1966

The February Regime, July 1966

Deutscher on the Chinese “Cultural Revolution” September 1966

War in Vietnam, October 1966


Marxism and the New Left, 1967

Ideological Trends in the USSR, April 1967

Germany and Marxism, July 1967

Menshevik Stalwart, August 1967

The Unfinished Revolution: Russia 1917-1967, 1967


Archive maintained by Zdravko Saveski


Last updated on 3 June 2023