Marxists Internet Archive: Edward Aveling
Edward Aveling
- Why I Dare Not Be a Christian. London: Freethought Publishing Co., n.d. [1881].
- Irreligion of Science. London: Freethought Publishing Co., n.d. [1881].
- The Wickedness of God. London: Freethought Publishing Co., n.d. [1881].
- The Creed of an Atheist. London: Freethought Publishing Co., n.d. [1881].
- The Student's Darwin. London: Freethought Publishing Co., 1881.
- The Plays of Shakspere... : The Substance of Four Lectures Delivered at the Hall of Science, London. London: Freethought Publishing Co., n.d. [1881].
- Biological Discoveries and Problems. London: Freethought Publishing Co., n.d. [c. 1881].
- God Dies, Nature Remains. London: Freethought Publishing Co., n.d. [c. 1881].
- An Atheist on Tennyson’s Despair, Modern Thought, January 1882.
- Science and Secularism. London: Freethought Publishing Co., 1882.
- Botanical Tables: For the Use of Students. London: Freethought Publishing Co., n.d. [1882].
- A Godless Life: The Happiest and Most Useful. London, A. Besant & C. Bradlaugh, 1882.
- Science and Religion. London, A. Besant and C. Bradlaugh, n.d. [1882?].
- On Superstition. London, A. Besant and C. Bradlaugh, n.d. [c. 1882].
- The Borderland Between Living and Non-Living Things: A Lecture Delivered Before the Sunday Lecture Society, on Sunday Afternoon, November 5, 1882. London: Sunday Lecture Society.
- General Biology: Theoretical and Practical. London: n.p., 1882.
- The Religious Views of Charles Darwin. London: Freethought Publishing Company, 1883.
- Evolution and Definition. Progress for May, June, July, 1883.
- The Darwinian Theory. London: Progressive Publishing Company, n.d. [c. 1883].
- Christianity and Capitalism. With Charles L Marson and Stewart D Headlam. London: Modern Press, 1884.
- The Gospel of Evolution. London: Freethought Publishing Co., 1884.
- The Curse of Capital. London: Freethought Publishing Co., 1884.
- The Darwinian Theory: Its Meaning, Difficulties, Evidence, History. London: Progressive Publishing Co., 1884.
- Politische Korrespondenz: England, Die Neue Zeit, 3(1885), H. 4, pp.189-192
- The Origin of Man. London: Progressive Publishing Co., 1884.
- Lessons in Socialism. Series of lessons on Das Kapital published in Commonweal, 1885-6.
- Speech to the Oxford Socialist Society
- Review of Stepniak's 'Russia Under the Tsars'. Commonweal, June 1885
- The Factory Inferno. Commonweal, July 1885
- Das Drama in England Die Neue Zeit, 3(1885), H. 4, pp.170-176
- Explosionen in Kohlenbergwerken, Die Neue Zeit, 3(1885), H. 10, pp.473-479
- The Factory Hell. With Eleanor Marx Aveling. London: Socialist League Office, 1885 (republished by James Leatham, 1891)
- Monkeys, Apes and Men. London: Progressive Publishing Co., 1885.
- Review of Gronlund's 'Co-operative Commonwealth'. Commonweal, September 1885
- The Recent Riots. Commonweal, March 1886
- Socialism and Free speech. Commonweal June 5 1886
- Objections to Socialism (replies to Bradlaugh), Commonweal, May - July 1886
- The Woman Question. With Eleanor Marx Aveling. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1886.
- Chemistry of the Non-Metallics. London : J. Hughes, 1886.
- Natural Philosophy for London University Matriculation. London: n.p., 1886.
- Darwin Made Easy London: Progressive Publishing Co., 1887. [PDF]
- Mechanics and Experimental Science as Required for the Matriculation Examination of the University of London. London: n.p., 1887.
- The Working Class Movement in America. With Eleanor Marx Aveling. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1887. Second Edition, 1891.
- Shelley and Socialism. With Eleanor Marx Aveling. Today, April 1888.
- Key to Mechanics. London: Chapman and Hall, 1888.
- Key to Chemistry. London: Chapman and Hall, 1888.
- Mechanics, and Light and Heat: For London University Matriculation. London . W. Stewart & Co., n.d. [1888].
- Mechanics and Experimental Science as Required for the Matriculation Examination of the University of London: Magnetism and Electricity. London: Chapman and Hall, 1889.
- A Revolution in Printing, Time, April 1890.
- The Eight Hours Working Day, Time, June 1890.
- At The Old Bailey, Time, October 1890.
- Type-Writers And Writers, Time, December 1890.
- An Introduction to the Study of Botany. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891.
- Die Wahlen in Großbritannien. With Eleanor Marx-Aveling, Die Neue Zeit, 10. Jg., 1891/92, 2. Bd., Nr. 45.
- An American Journey New York: Lovell and Gestefeld (collection of articles from 1886-7) [PDF]
- The Students’ Marx: An Introduction to the Study of Karl Marx’ Capital. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1891 [PDF].
- The Cholera and the Hamburg Socialists, Pall Mall Gazette, September 1892
- Discord in the ‘International’, Pall Mall Gazette, October 1892
- An Introduction to the Study of Geology, Specially Adapted for the Use of Candidates for the London B.Sc. and the Science and Art Department Examinations. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1893.
- Der Kongreß der britischen Trades-Unions, Die Neue Zeit, 11.1892-93, 1. Bd.(1893), H. 1, pp. 20-28
- Ein englischer Roman, Die Neue Zeit, 11.1892-93, 2. Bd.(1893), H. 51, pp.747-758
- The Fourth Clause, The Clarion, March 1893.
- Interview and Speech at Halifax, The Halifax Courier, November 1893.
- Le Congrès des Trade-unions Britanniques en 1894, L’Ère Nouvelle, November 1894
- Ein eigenartiges Inselvolk, Die Neue Zeit, 13.1894-95, 2. Bd.(1895), H. 46, pp.631-636
- Einiges vom Neuen Unionismus in England, Die Neue Zeit, 12.1893-94, 2. Bd.(1894), H. 37, pp.344-347
- Naturwissenschaftliches aus England und Deutschland, Die Neue Zeit, 12.1893-94, 1. Bd.(1894), H. 15, pp. 461-467
- Письма изь Англии (Letters from England). With Eleanor Marx-Aveling. Русское богатство Jan-Dec. 1895
- Esther Walters: ein englischer Roman von George Moore, Die Neue Zeit, 13.1894-95, 1. Bd.(1895), H. 13, pp. 405-411
- Les sans-travail en Angleterre, L’Ère Nouvelle, April 1895
- Engels at Home, The Labour Prophet, September 1895
- Le Congrès des Trade Unions de Cardiff, Le Devenir Social, October 1895
- Breve histoire des manifestations de May Day pour la journée legale de huit heures en Angleterre Le Devenir Sociale, May 1896
- Theorien der Vererbung, Die Neue Zeit, 4(1886), H. 9, pp. 399-405
- Thomas Henry Huxley, der Freund und Erklärer Darwins, Die Neue Zeit 14.1895-96, 1. Bd.(1896), H. 3, pp.85-90
- The Tramp of the Workers, ballad, 1896
- Wilhelm Liebknecht and the Social-Democratic Movement in Germany London: Twentieth Century Press, n.d. [1896].
- George Julian Harney: A straggler of 1848. The Social Democrat, January 1897
- Charles Darwin and Karl Marx: A Comparison. London: Twentieth Century Press, n.d. [c. 1897].
- The Filibuster Cecil Rhodes and his Chartered Company The Social Democrat, September 1897
- Der Flibustier Cecil Rhodes und seine Chartered Company im Roman, Die Neue Zeit, 16.1897-98, 1. Bd.(1898), H. 6, pp.182-188