How to set up M.I.A. Email in Eudora

To integrate your email account into your Eudora set-up, add a second “Personality.”

Right click in the Personality Window and select “New ...” and skip to “Finish”
Right click on the new Personality and fill out the details as follows (for Mary Smith for example):

Generic Properties:

Real Name: Mary Smith
Return Address:
Login_name: msmith
SMTP Server – here put your local ISP mail server
Secure sockets when sending, select: If Available, STARTTLS

Incoming Mail:

Configuration: IMAP
IMAP Mailbox Location Prefix: mail/
For new mail download: Select “Minimal headers only
Authentication Style: Select “Password”
Secure Sockets when Receiving: Select “Never”

You may want to set a signature for the identity or make other selections according to your own situation.

Go to the Mailbox window and select “Refresh Mailbox List” for

Check your mail.

Let me know if you have any problems from here,

Andy Blunden